[SydPhil] FW: ŒSo, what?¹ Public Lecture, Professor Miguel Vatter, Wednesday 7 October
Paul Patton
prp at unsw.edu.au
Fri Sep 11 15:08:04 AEST 2015
From: "FASS So.What" <so.what at unsw.edu.au<mailto:so.what at unsw.edu.au>>
Date: Thursday, 10 September 2015 10:28 am
To: Paul Patton <prp at unsw.edu.au<mailto:prp at unsw.edu.au>>
Subject: ‘So, what?’ Public Lecture, Professor Miguel Vatter, Wednesday 7 October
So, what? Public Lecture Series
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[So, what lecture series]<https://www.arts.unsw.edu.au/about-us/community-engagement/so-what-lecture-series/>
So, what? Public Lecture Series
We invite you to join us for the fourth lecture of our 2015 series:
Professor Miguel Vatter[https://gallery.mailchimp.com/ce2b24ac496198804ce9e22c5/images/0e52793b-f968-4a64-a309-b26d035fcdb5.jpg]
UNSW Arts & Social Sciences
"So, what is Civil Religion and
why does it matter?"
Wednesday 7 October, 6pm
Tyree Room,
John Niland Scientia Building
UNSW Kensington (map ref G19)
Abstract: During the last few decades, liberal democracies which have tried to make religion merely a private matter have encountered difficulties in containing the unsuspected appeal of religious fundamentalisms. However, the tradition of republican political thought has developed an alternative idea of a public religion that is compatible with democracy, a conception which it calls "civil religion". In this lecture Professor Vatter will discuss this idea,and show its relevance for today's debate on the role of religion in democracy.
Biography: Miguel Vatter is Professor of Political Science at UNSW Arts & Social Sciences. His current areas of research and publication are Machiavelli, Kant, republicanism, biopolitics, and political theology. He is the author most recently of Machiavelli's The Prince. A Reader's Guide (2013), The Republic of the Living: Biopolitics and the Critique of Civil Society (2014), and with Vanessa Lemm The Government of Life: Foucault, Biopolitics, and Neoliberalism (2014). He is co-founder and director of a biopolitics research network, www.biopolitica.org<http://www.biopolitica.org/> an international research network dedicated to the study of biopolitics from interdisciplinary perspectives.
RSVP here<https://www.arts.unsw.edu.au/othersites/?path=othersites/fass/form/index.php&i=614>
Upcoming So, what? Lectures:
Professor Samuel Weber
Northwestern University
“Nietzsche’s “Eternal Return”: So What?”
Tuesday 8 December
Registration now open<https://www.arts.unsw.edu.au/othersites/?path=othersites/fass/form/index.php&i=507>
So, what? is our flagship public lecture series at UNSW Arts & Social Sciences<https://www.arts.unsw.edu.au/>.
This progressive public lecture series showcases the work of leading UNSW researchers, distinguished international research visitors and research collaborators. The series aims to challenge and inform public debate and understanding by pushing the boundaries of academic discourse in areas of contemporary humanities and social sciences.
Find out more about our So, what? Public Lecture Series<https://www.arts.unsw.edu.au/about-us/community-engagement/so-what-lecture-series/>.
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