[SydPhil] Final CFP Perspectives on Empathy. Macquarie University 4-5 November. Closing date September 18

Jeanette Kennett jeanette.kennett at mq.edu.au
Fri Sep 11 12:52:25 AEST 2015

*With apologies for cross-posting

*Perspectives on Empathy*

The Macquarie Research Centre for Agency Values and Ethics (CAVE) and the
Agency and Moral Cognition Network present the *Perspectives on Empathy*
Conference to be held at Macquarie University on November 4th and 5th 2015.
Empathy is of interest to researchers across a range of disciplines
including in philosophy of mind, cognitive science, psychiatry and
psychology, moral psychology, ethics and aesthetics. Yet there is no clear
agreement on what empathy is and the role it plays in moral development,
social and moral cognition, imagination, and motivation. This conference
seeks to bring researchers from across disciplines together to consider a
range of questions about the nature, function and importance of empathy.

*Keynote Speaker*

Heidi Maibom (Cincinatti)  “Imagining Feelings”

*Confirmed speakers*

Daniel Hutto (Wollongong) “Empathy: A Role for Narrative Engagement”

Kate Rossmanith (Macquarie) “Empathy in the Criminal Courts: Stories from
the field”

Robert Sinnerbrink (Macquarie) "Empathic Ethics: Phenomenology,
Cognitivism, and the Moving Image"

Jonathan McGuire & Robyn Langdon (NSW Mental Health Commission and
Macquarie) “Empathy and mental illness”

Jeanette Kennett (Macquarie) “Empathy Scepticism”

*Call for Papers*

Inquiries and offers of papers should be made to Jeanette Kennett.
jeanette.kennett at mq.edu.au

Please include a title and abstract of around 250 words. Some assistance
with travel funding may be available.

Closing date for submission of abstracts has been extended to: September 18

Professor Jeanette Kennett FAHA
Head of Department
Faculty of Arts
Macquarie University
NSW 2109

tel:+61 2 98501047


[image: Macquarie University] <http://mq.edu.au/>

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