[SydPhil] 4-yr Masters/ PhD domestic and international scholarships in Philosophy at Macquarie University

Jean-Philippe Deranty jp.deranty at mq.edu.au
Tue Jul 29 09:31:45 AEST 2014

The Department of Philosophy at Macquarie University in Sydney invites
applications for the Masters by Research (MRes) and PhD program. Top
performing students can receive *up to 4 years full scholarship at APA
rates *to undertake Research Training (MRes) and their PhD at MQ.

Macquarie is a vibrant research university located in metropolitan Sydney.
The Philosophy Department has three broad research streams; Mind,
Metaphysics and Meaning; Ethics and Applied Ethics; European Philosophy. We
have particular research strengths in the following areas:

embodied and extended cognition (Richard Menary),

the evolution of cognition (Rachael Brown, Karola Stotz),

moral psychology, self and agency (Catriona Mackenzie, Paul Formosa, Neil
Levy, Jeanette Kennett and Richard Menary),

philosophical psychology and pain perception (Colin Klein),

neuroethics and neurolaw (Neil Levy, Jeanette Kennett),

bioethics and clinical ethics (Wendy Rogers, Mianna Lotz),

the philosophy of race (Albert Atkin),

European philosophy, with particular expertise in Kant (Paul Formosa),
phenomenology, and critical theory (Nicholas Smith, Jean-Philippe Deranty,
Robert Sinnerbrink),

the philosophy of work (Jean-Philippe Deranty, Nicholas Smith),

aesthetics and film (Robert Sinnerbrink).

The Department also hosts the University Centre for Agency, Values and
Ethics (CAVE) with interdisciplinary research streams in: human agency and
selfhood; moral cognition, neuroethics and neurolaw; applied ethics,
bioethics and clinical ethics and brain, culture and mind. CAVE organises
an active program of visitors, workshops and research events throughout the

The MRes program comes in 1-year and 2-year versions. Students entering the
BPhil year from a 3 year undergraduate program undertake advanced
coursework and research training units in philosophy with the opportunity
to take relevant units from other disciplines. Fulltime domestic candidates
entering the BPhil/MRes program in Year 1 receive a stipend in Session 1 of
$4,000. To receive a stipend of $4,000 in Session 2 candidates require an
average Standardised Numerical Grade (SNG) of 65 or above at the end of
Session 1.

Starting in 2015, *domestic candidates* entering *the second year** of the
MRes* program who have attained an average score over 85, in either their
BPhil year or in the qualification they use for entry, *will receive a
stipend at the PhD rate (currently $25,392).* Fulltime domestic candidates
who attain a score of 75 or more, but less than 85, in the BPhil or Honours
year will receive $16,000 in 2015. Students who receive 85% or above in
their MRes year are then eligible for a *further 3 year PhD scholarship *at
APA rates.

The bundled 4-year MRes/PhD scholarship available to *international
students* allows for direct entry into MRes Year. International students
who apply through the IPRS/iMQRES round for 2015, and are awarded
scholarships to complete MRes Year 2 before formally entering the PhD will
also receive a stipend at the PhD rate.

Applications for International students for a 2015 start close on* August
31st. *

Applications for Domestic students close on* October 31st.*

*Details of how to apply for the BPhil/MRes are here*:

For more information, please contact Jeanette Kennett (Philosophy) at
jeanette.kennett at mq.edu.au

A/Prof Jean-Philippe Deranty
Head of Department
Faculty of Arts
Macquarie University
NSW 2109

tel: +61 2 9850 6773

staff page: www.phil.mq.edu.au/staff/deranty.htm
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