[ASA] congratulations to Mark Krumholz

Stas Shabala stanislav.shabala at utas.edu.au
Thu May 30 14:43:09 AEST 2024

Dear ASA members,

Please join me in congratulating Professor Mark Krumholz on his recent election to the Australian Academy of Science.

Mark is a Fellow of the ASA, and the co-Chair of the Group for Astroparticle Physics (GAP).

Mark’s citation reads:

Mark Krumholz is a world leader in the study of star formation and the interstellar medium. He has contributed fundamentally to our understanding of physical mechanisms that control the rates at which galaxies form stars, the mass distribution of those stars, and the way stars cluster in space and time. These advances have been enabled by new techniques that Krumholz pioneered in computational astrophysics. His standing in the field has been recognised by numerous international awards and his textbook on star formation has shaped the next generation of researchers in the field.

Congratulations Mark!

Best wishes,


A/Prof Stas Shabala
President, Astronomical Society of Australia
Discipline of Physics | School of Natural Sciences | College of Science and Engineering
University of Tasmania

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