[ASA] ASA Annual Scientific Meeting

Stas Shabala stanislav.shabala at utas.edu.au
Wed May 29 14:46:29 AEST 2024

Dear ASA members,
I am writing to remind you that early bird registration for the ASA Annual Scientific Meeting<https://url.au.m.mimecastprotect.com/s/KWmqCVARKgC0zzDOwtGDHaV?domain=icrar.org> (ASM) closes on 31 May, in only a couple of days.
The ASM is the one time of year when the Australian astronomy community truly comes together. It’s a great opportunity to learn about progress in fields in which we may not be directly working, and see the next generation of astronomers emerge. Many of us gave our first conference talks at the ASM! Town Halls and ASA Chapter meetings provide a forum for topical issues in Australian astronomy. This year we also have a dedicated session on the Decadal Plan for Australian Astronomy (2026-2035), progress on which is in full swing.
This year the ASM enters a brave new world, with our first online-first meeting. This ambitious departure from the status quo continues astronomy’s long tradition of innovation, and I hope that you will join me and many of our colleagues on this exciting journey of discovery. My thanks to the work behind the scenes by Vanessa, Clancy and their teams.
I look forward to seeing many of you online in just under four weeks.
Best wishes,


A/Prof Stas Shabala
President, Astronomical Society of Australia
Discipline of Physics | School of Natural Sciences | College of Science and Engineering
University of Tasmania

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