[ASA] ESO Tech dev program - talk 7 March.

francois rigaut francois.rigaut at anu.edu.au
Thu Feb 17 11:57:23 AEDT 2022

Dear All,

As you probably know, ESO has broaden the scope of its strategic partnership with Australia to include access to the ESO Technology Development program (TechDev), which means Australian companies and institutes are now eligible to work with ESO in developing future technologies for ground-based telescopes.
This is an interesting opportunity for Australia. Norbert Hubin, who is leading and managing the TechDev program at ESO, has accepted to give a presentation on the program:
Technologies and thematic it covers;

Funding available and funding mechanisms;

How to apply, etc etc

The talk (all virtual) will be:
- March 7, 6:00PM AEDT (8:00AM CET)
- Zoom: https://protect-au.mimecast.com/s/Yz-mCL7EwMfRxRElmhBbapL?domain=anu.zoom.us

Plan on one hour total, with Norbert's presentation being followed by open question time.
Apologies that it is scheduled so late in the day; hopefully many of you can still attend. We will record it in case you can't.


Prof. Francois Rigaut
MAVIS (https://protect-au.mimecast.com/s/lzQiCMwGxOtqKqEvRIkpfJw?domain=mavis-ao.org) Principal Investigator
Astralis-AITC Director
francois.rigaut at anu.edu.au (mailto:francois.rigaut at anu.edu.au)
Mobile: +61 499 680 000

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