[ASA] Message from the new ASA student rep.

John O'Byrne john.obyrne at sydney.edu.au
Thu Jul 11 10:28:52 AEST 2019

A message from the new student rep. on the ASA Council, Chris Matthew.

Hi Everyone,

I just wanted to introduce myself. My name is Chris Matthew, and I am the newly elected Student Representative on the ASA Council. To begin with, a little bit about myself (for those of you who did not see the ballot):

I have had an interest in astronomy for a long time and I am currently completing a Masters of Astrophysics at USQ. I will be commencing a PhD in astrophysics /astronomy in 2021. Additionally, I have a PhD in ancient history and I have been employed as a lecturer of ancient history at ACU since 2010. I also work at Penrith Observatory at WSU in Sydney assisting with their school and public outreach programmes. I have been an ASA member since commencing my Masters a few years ago.

I feel that as both a student and an academic I am in a unique position to represent the student body on the ASA Council as I have experience in navigating university bureaucracy, funding and grant applications, research and learning requirements, and public outreach. I hope that this combination of skills will enable me to serve all stake holders within the ASA to the highest level.

For the ASA student members out there, at this stage this is simply an introductory email. However, I am always happy to receive emails (from students or fellow academics) at any time. If you have concerns or questions that you would like to raise, either to me or the Council, please feel free to contact me. If you just want to chat, I will be more than happy to get to know some of the people whom I will be representing.

I would like to finish (at this stage) by expressing my thanks to those of you who voted for me, and I welcome this opportunity to act in the capacity of a student representative to further the interests of not only the astronomical student body, but of the society as a whole.

I look forward to hearing from you soon.


"The standard you walk past is the standard you accept”

Associate Dean (Student Life), Faculty of Science
Secretary, Astronomical Society of Australia Inc.

Sydney Institute for Astronomy
School of Physics | Faculty of Science

Rm 205, Physics Building A28
Postal address: School of Physics | The University of Sydney | NSW | Australia | 2006
T +61 2 9351 3184  | F +61 2 9351 7726
E john.obyrne at sydney.edu.au<mailto:john.obyrne at sydney.edu.au>  | W  http://sydney.edu.au/science/people/john.obyrne

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