[Limdep Nlogit List] Comparing coefficients

Harold Mayaba mayabach2009 at yahoo.com
Tue Dec 27 16:20:52 AEDT 2022

 Dear Professor Greene,
Thank you for the reply to may email. I will try the method outlined and get back to you if I do not get it right.
    On Saturday, December 24, 2022 at 07:35:34 PM GMT+13, Harold Mayaba <mayabach2009 at yahoo.com> wrote:  
  Dear Professor Greene,
In line with the reply from Zein, the results are from three treatments analyzed separately.  I would like to establish if there is a statistically significant difference between the coefficients from three different treatments.  The method I found compares coefficients from each treatment as a group not individual coefficients. For example,  I have 'access to outdoor' attribute in each treatment.  I would like to compare the coefficients of this attribute i got from each treatment.  I hope this helps.
    On Friday, December 23, 2022 at 08:20:20 AM GMT+13, Harold Mayaba <mayabach2009 at yahoo.com> wrote:  
 Dear Professor Greene and other nlogit user,
How can I compare two or three coefficients from different treatments to establish if there is a significant difference? I have seen literature where coefficients of different treatments are compared but not coefficients of the same attribute in different treatments.


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