[Usyd_Classics_Events] Critical Antiquities Workshop Reminder: Please note the corrected time

Ben Brown benjamin.brown at sydney.edu.au
Tue Aug 10 16:30:54 AEST 2021

Dear Friends,

Here are the Zoom details for this week's Critical Antiquities Workshop with Dennis Schmidt, who will present his paper, 'Thinking and Moral Considerations':
The abstract can be found on the corrected flyers attached

Join from PC, Mac, Linux, iOS or Android: https://uni-sydney.zoom.us/j/85241227670?pwd=S2NwNUpibVNCT2JWY1c3TG05VE5Odz09
Password: 489665

The meeting will take place this Friday, August 13, 10-11:30am (Sydney time). That translates to the following times elsewhere:

Tokyo: Friday, 9am-10:30am
Singapore: Friday, 8am-9:30am
Los Angeles: Thursday, 5-6:30pm
Mexico City: Thursday, 7-8:30pm
New York City: Thursday, 8-9:30pm

We have also attached the corrected flyer for this semester's scheduled workshops to this email.

Best wishes,
Tristan and Ben

Classics and Ancient History
School Undergraduate Curriculum Coordinator (SOPHI)
Research Seminar Coordinator (CAH)
School of Philosophical and Historical Inquiry (SOPHI)
Ph.: 9351 8983; Office: Main Quad J6.07
E benjamin.brown at sydney.edu.au<mailto:benjamin.brown at sydney.edu.au> | W https://protect-au.mimecast.com/s/qfClCyojxQTrXPxPXSZwHFE?domain=sydney.edu.au

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