[SydPhil] USYD Philosophy PG WIP Talk - Friday 2 June

Wanyi Xin xinwanyic at gmail.com
Wed May 31 15:09:25 AEST 2023

 Hi all,

Please see details below for the Postgrad Work in Progress (WIP) talk on
Friday (2 June) from 3:00 to 4:30pm. It will be a hybrid event, following
the department seminar at 1:30 pm. All welcome!


Time: 3:00-4:30 PM, 2 June (Fri)
In person: Seminar Room N494, the Quad
Zoom: https://uni-sydney.zoom.us/j/83453490326
Presenter: Aaron Wu

*The Phenomenal Functionalist Conception of the Physical and the Zombie

Physicalism, the ontological thesis that everything is physical, is a very
popular view that many philosophers adopt. However, the meaning of
something being physical remains a matter extensively discussed by
philosophers. Phenomenal functionalism provides a unique conception of the
physical by defining the physical based on its effects on our senses. In
this talk, I will first introduce the phenomenal functionalism that Stoljar
formulates based on Chalmers's work. Then, I will discuss Stoljar's 2020
paper Chalmers v Chalmers, where he argues for an inconsistency between
phenomenal functionalism and the zombie argument. I will also provide my
own argument for why Stoljar's argument fails. Finally, I will present a
version of the zombie argument that is compatible with some of the
potential consequences of phenomenal functionalism.

Brigitte Everett and Wendy Xin

Philosophy Postgraduate Representatives

University of Sydney

brigitte.everett at sydney.edu.au

wan.xin at sydney.edu.au
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