[SydPhil] Luca Illetterati (Padova) on 'Hegel's Non-Naturalistic Naturalism' in the Australian Hegel Society online talk series, April 20, 6pm

Heikki Ikaheimo h.ikaheimo at unsw.edu.au
Tue Apr 4 20:56:45 AEST 2023

The next talk in the Australian Hegel Society online talks series:

'Hegel's Non-Naturalistic Naturalism', by Prof. Luca Illetterati (Padova)
April 20, 6pm Australian Eastern Standard time (10am Central European Summer time).

For the Zoom-link, email h.ikaheimo at unsw.edu.au

Illetterati: https://protect-au.mimecast.com/s/EVgjC1WLPxc66zM5VILUnV9?domain=unipd.it

The Australian Hegel Society: https://protect-au.mimecast.com/s/jNbLC2xMQziVVlpOMU1l3m0?domain=australianhegelsociety.com, https://protect-au.mimecast.com/s/VWkCC3QNPBiXXAp0nc2KL_C?domain=youtube.com

Heikki Ikäheimo
Philosophy Convenor, Senior lecturer
School of Humanities and Languages/Philosophy, Faculty of Arts, Design & Architecture
UNSW Sydney 2052

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