[SydPhil] Macquarie Philosophy Seminar & Afternoon Tea - A/Prof Wendy Lipworth - Tuesday 19h October 1 pm

Pierrick Bourrat pierrick.bourrat at mq.edu.au
Wed Oct 13 10:57:48 AEDT 2021

Dear All,

This is a reminder of our seminar next week. Note that this is a 90 min talk and a joint event with CAVE. The talk will be followed by an afternoon tea (30 min) to welcome Wendy Lipworth as our new colleague. The tea will start at 2.45 pm. The Zoom links for the talk and the afternoon tea are the same.

When: Tuesday 19th October 1 pm via Zoom

Please click this URL to start or join: https://protect-au.mimecast.com/s/DRfLC5QPXJiZPVKmDTzamHo?domain=macquarie.zoom.us
Password: seminar

Speaker: A/Prof Wendy Lipworth

Title: Is it really all about the money? Non-financial conflicts of interest in medicine

Abstract: It is well-recognised that financial conflicts of interest (such as those stemming from industry funding) can distort medical research, publication, education, policymaking and practice, and most organisations have processes in place for identifying and managing them. Non-financial conflicts of interest (such as those stemming from beliefs and relationships) have similar effects, yet they are relatively neglected in organisational policies and processes. Some argue that this is as it should be—i.e., that non-financial conflicts cannot and should not be managed alongside financial ones. Some take this even further, arguing that there is no such thing as a non-financial conflict of interest. In this presentation, I will present the arguments against creating a false dichotomy between financial and non-financial conflicts of interest. After making the case that non-financial conflicts of interest exist, and that they can and should be managed alongside financial conflicts of interest, I will present some guiding principles for doing so in an ethically sound manner.

Find details of upcoming seminars on our department website: https://protect-au.mimecast.com/s/xX2ZC6XQ4Lfr6n92Bh6uPRs?domain=mq.edu.au.
Philosophy seminar series - Macquarie University<https://protect-au.mimecast.com/s/xX2ZC6XQ4Lfr6n92Bh6uPRs?domain=mq.edu.au>
Date Speaker Topic Venue and time; 02/03/2021: Dr Ignacio Ojea Quintana: The Coordination Dilemma for Epidemiological Modelers: 25b Wally's Walk, Level 5, Room C326, 1-2pm

Best wishes,


Pierrick Bourrat | DECRA Fellow & Senior Lecturer


Philosophy Department| Macquarie University | NSW | 2109
W https://protect-au.mimecast.com/s/kSmlC91WPRTkW5KypTPpcEo?domain=pierrickbourrat.com<https://protect-au.mimecast.com/s/0ZL5C0YKPviGXRWOLu3mk3L?domain=pierrickbourrat.com>

Research Affiliate, The University of Sydney
Theory and Method in Bioscience | W griffithslab.org<https://protect-au.mimecast.com/s/ZI8CCgZ0N1iA1LWX7IZNE5i?domain=griffithslab.org>

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