[SydPhil] Varieties of Religious Pluralism

Nikolas Kompridis Nikolas.Kompridis at acu.edu.au
Mon May 22 08:05:38 AEST 2017

Varieties of Religious Pluralism
When: 22 May 2017, 4pm -6pm
Where: Level 12, Tenison Woods House, 8-20 Napier Street, North Sydney
Register here<https://www.acu.edu.au/connect_with_acu/registrations/sydney_school_for_critical_social_thought/sydney_school_for_critical_social_thought/_nocache>

Professor Rajeev Bhargava, Centre for the Study of Developing Societies and Institute for Social Justice

One prevalent form of religious pluralism recognizes the existence of multiple religious communities, each doctrinally apart, rigidly bounded and well demarcated from the other, even demanding the exclusive allegiance of its members but, acknowledging ineradicable differences, endorses tolerance, even mutual respect. However, another, perhaps better form of religious pluralism exists that shuns doctrinalization, seeks more porous boundaries, advocates greater fluidity of movement, and accepts multiple allegiances. Here pluralism is internal to religious perspectives. In this lecture, Bhargava examines in detail the internal structure of these two forms of religious pluralism and ask what theological, social and political conditions must be met for the success and legitimacy of the second form of religious pluralism.

For more details and events of the Sydney School for Critical Social Thought: http://isj.acu.edu.au/sydney-school/sydney-school-for-critical-social-thought-2017/


Professor Nikolas Kompridis | Director | Institute for Social Justice
Research Professor in Philosophy and Political Thought
Office: Level 2, 7 Mount Street, North Sydney NSW 2060
Postal Address: PO Box 968, North Sydney, NSW 2059, Australia
W http://isj.acu.edu.au/  P + 61 2 9739 2728  E nikolas.kompridis at acu.edu.au<mailto:nikolas.kompridis at acu.edu.au>

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