[SydPhil] Talbot Brewer (U Virginia) @ UNSW Philosophy Seminar, 28 July

Melissa Merritt m.merritt at unsw.edu.au
Wed Jul 15 10:40:05 AEST 2015

UNSW Philosophy Seminar
28 July 2015
Morven Brown 310

Talbot Brewer (University of Virginia)
“The Aesthetic Dimension of Ethical Thought”

The practical thinking that carries forward and shapes certain highly important human activities involve an element of passive receptivity.  This moment of passive receptivity is of a piece with the moment of vision that guides the creative work of the mimetic artist.  To put the point in a nutshell: phronesis is an art form.  The aim of the paper is to shed light on the nature and role of this moment of aesthetic vision that lies in the heart of action, and to explore some of the virtues that it requires.

Talbot Brewer is a Professor in the University of Virginia Department of Philosophy, and an Associate Editor of the journal Ethics.  He works mostly in ethical theory, with a special emphasis on moral psychology and on the intersection of Aristotelian and Kantian approaches to normative ethics.  Other work addresses philosophical aspects of contemporary politics.  He has written many articles and two books: The Retrieval of Ethics (Oxford University Press, 2009) and The Bounds of Choice: Unchosen Virtues, Unchosen Commitments (Routledge, 2000).
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