[SydPhil] ‘Second Nature – a Hegelian Approach’, a short course for advanced students by Prof Italo Testa (Parma) at UNSW, November 17, 19 & 21, 2014

Heikki Ikaheimo h.ikaheimo at unsw.edu.au
Wed Oct 29 01:58:36 AEDT 2014

Second Nature – a Hegelian Approach’
A seminar course in philosophy by Professor Italo Testa (University of Parma, Italy)

At the School of Humanities and Languages, University of New South Wales, Kensington Campus, November 17, 19, 21, 12-3pm daily, Goldstein Hall G16, Building B17:

In this course basic features of Hegel’s ontology of the social and historical world will be reconstructed with the help of the key concept of “second nature”. Hegel’s concept of second nature contributes to the definition of social space, or “spirit”, as something that is not in principle opposed to naturalness. This will help us in dealing with problems related to the Hegelian concept of “recognition”, problems that are relevant for contemporary debates on social embodiment and the fragmentation of ethical life.

Monday, November 17, 12-3pm: Second nature between subjective and objective spirit
- G. W. F. Hegel, Elements of the Philosophy of Right. Cambridge UP, 1991, §§ 4-7.
- G.W.F. Hegel, Hegel's Philosophy of Mind. Oxford UP, 2007): §§ 409-410
- R. Pippin, “What is the Question for which Hegel’s Theory of Recognition is the Answer?”, The European Journal of Philosophy’, Vol. 8, no. 2, 2000: 155-172. (Reprinted as: “Hegelian Sociality: Recognitive Status”, in his Hegel’s Practical Philosophy. Rational Agency as Practical Life, Cambridge UP, 2008, 189-209.)

Wednesday, November 19, 12-3pm: Ethical life and social embodiment
- G.W.F. Hegel, Hegel's Philosophy of Mind, §§ 409-410
- G.W.F. Hegel, Hegel's Phenomenology of Spirit. Oxford University Press, 1977, §§ 166-196.

Friday, November 21, 12-3pm: Second nature and fragmentation
- G. W. F. Hegel, Elements of the Philosophy of Right. Translated by H. B. Nisbet (New York: Cambridge UP, 1991), §§ 341-353
- J. McDowell, Mind and World, Harvard University Press, 1996): lecture 4
- R. Brandom, “Some Pragmatist Themes in Hegel's Idealism: Negotiation and Administration in Hegel's Account of the Structure and Content of Conceptual Norms”. European Journal of Philosophy 7 (2), 1999:164–189. Reprinted in his: Tales of the Might Dead. Harvard University Press, 2002: chap. 7.)

Italo Testa is professor in philosophy in University of Parma, Italy. He has published widely on Hegel, contemporary Hegelianism, critical theory, recognition, and related topics. His many books include the monograph La natura del riconoscimento. Riconoscimento naturale e ontologia sociale in Hegel, Mimesis, Milano, 2010 and the edited collection Lo spazio sociale della ragione. Da Hegel in avanti, Mimesis, 2009.

This seminar is meant for advanced students. If you wish to attend, please notify Heikki Ikäheimo (h.ikaheimo at unsw.edu.au<mailto:h.ikaheimo at unsw.edu.au>).

Course website:

Heikki Ikäheimo
Senior lecturer, Australian Research Fellow
School of Humanities and Languages/Philosophy
University of New South Wales
Sydney, NSW 2052

Email: h.ikaheimo at unsw.edu.au<mailto:heikki.ikaheimo at mq.edu.au>
Tel. 04-23131713

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