[SydPhil] REMINDER: SHAPE talk tomorrow: Martin O'Neill (York)

David Macarthur david.macarthur at sydney.edu.au
Thu Oct 31 21:54:28 AEDT 2013

Dear All,
This week’s SHAPE seminar will be by Martin O’Neill (York) who will present a talk titled "Egalitarianism and Predistribution"

As progressive political parties have begun to struggle with the question of how to accommodate the goals of social democracy to an era of acute fiscal constraint, one option that is starting to be explored is the idea of "predistribution": that is, the idea of government action to restrict market inequalities *prior* to the operation of the tax-and-transfer system. One way of viewing this move is to see it as an understandable but regrettable compromise between egalitarian goals and practical political constraint. However, I want to explore the case that might be made for thinking that, given an understanding of the value of equality, there may be principled reasons for preferring strategies of predistribution to strategies of redistribution.

Staff Webpage: http://www-users.york.ac.uk/~mpon500/

Place: Muniment Room, S401, Main Quad, USyd – the central room under the clock tower on the 1st floor.

Time: Fri 1st Nov, 10.30am


Dr. David Macarthur | Senior Lecturer & UG Coordinator
Philosophy Department | SOPHI
University of Sydney, 2006 | Australia
Ph: +61-2-9351-3193

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