[SydPhil] Master of Research in Philosophy at Macquarie. Late Applications being accepted for study in 2013

Jeanette Kennett jeanette.kennett at mq.edu.au
Fri Jan 18 13:06:38 AEDT 2013

*M Res in Philosophy at Macquarie*

Please pass on this information to any students who may be looking to do
further studies in Philosophy this year.
Late applications are still being accepted for the first year of Macquarie
University’s Master of Research degree (final closing date January 31).
This two year program replaces the honours program and provides more
extensive advanced disciplinary coursework and research preparation than
did the honours degree. *Fulltime domestic students are eligible for a
stipend of $8000 in the first year. Domestic students who attain average
grades of 75 per cent in the first year of the program will be eligible in
the second year for a stipend of $16,000.* Students who satisfactorily
complete the MRes will be in a position to complete their PhD in 3 years.
Students may find out more about the M Res, including how to apply, here

Philosophy will be offering the following units in 2013. Students have the
option of taking units from outside Philosophy in semester 2.

Semester 1:
MRES700 Research Communications (compulsory)

+ 3 of

PHIL701 - Foundations of Research in Mind and World

PHIL703 - Foundations of Research in Modern European Philosophy: Kant's
Critique of

Pure Reason

PHIL 705- Foundations of Research in Ethics

PHIL707 - Research Topics in Philosophy and Cognitive Science

Semester 2:
FOAR700 Research Frontiers 1(Compulsory)

+ 3 units including 2 of

PHIL702 - Research Topics in Mind and World

PHIL704 - Research Topics in Modern European Philosophy

PHIL 707- Research Topics in Ethics

PHIL708 - Neurolaw
Students who are interested in applying for the MRes in Philosophy can
contact me for advice and further information about unit content.

Jeanette Kennett FAHA
Professor of Moral Psychology
Cognitive Science CORE
Department of Philosophy
Macquarie University
NSW 2109
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