[Limdep Nlogit List] (no subject)

Craig Gallet cgallet at sbcglobal.net
Sat Aug 30 07:35:20 EST 2008

I am currently trying to estimate a truncated model (lower tail limit for lhs variable = 0) using random effects.  I continue to get the following error messages:
Warning   137: Iterations: function not computable at crnt. trial estimate
  Error   802: Cannot compute function at current values. Exit status=4
All of the rhs variables in my model are dummy variables.  Is this the likely reason for these error messages?  I'm able to estimate the model without truncation.  Also, if I change the lower limit to say -0.5, I can get the model to run (but nontheless need 0 for the lower limit).  I've also tried alternative algorithims, but they have failed each time.  Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

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