[Limdep Nlogit List] Applied choice analysis

Page, Miranda MPage at qmu.ac.uk
Tue Aug 5 23:45:25 EST 2008

Hi there,
I wonder if any one can help. I recently purchased LIMDEP version 4 and
to familiarize myself with it 
I have been working my way through Applied choice analysis A primer by
Hensher Rose and Greene using their data set downloaded from
www.cambride.org/0521605776 I was doing fine until I got to page 332
when I put in the command 
    ;lhs = choice, cset, altij
    ;Choices = cart, carnt, bus, train, busway, LR
    U(cart) = asccart + cst*fuel /
    U(carnt) = asccarnt + cst*fuel /
    U(bus) = ascbus + cst*fare /
    U(train) = asctn + cst*fare /
    U(busway) = ascbusw + cst*fare /
    U(LR) = cst*fare $

I get this which is not what the book says I should be getting!!!!

Can anyone suggest what I might be doing wrong!

Many thanks
| Discrete choice and multinomial logit models|
  Error  1049: Model has no free parameters among slopes!
  Error  1024: Failure estimating DISCRETE CHOICE model.
| Discrete choice and multinomial logit models|
Normal exit from iterations. Exit status=0.
| Discrete choice (multinomial logit) model   |
| Maximum Likelihood Estimates                |
| Model estimated: Aug 05, 2008 at 02:38:44PM.|
| Dependent variable               Choice     |
| Weighting variable                 None     |
| Number of observations             2369     |
| Iterations completed                  5     |
| Log likelihood function       -3220.150     |
| Number of parameters                  6     |
| Info. Criterion: AIC =          2.72364     |
|   Finite Sample: AIC =          2.72365     |
| Info. Criterion: BIC =          2.73825     |
| Info. Criterion:HQIC =          2.72896     |
| R2=1-LogL/LogL*  Log-L fncn  R-sqrd  RsqAdj |
| Constants only.  Must be computed directly. |
|                  Use NLOGIT ;...; RHS=ONE $ |
| Chi-squared[ 1]          =   1639.08085     |
| Prob [ chi squared > value ] =   .00000     |
| Response data are given as ind. choice.     |
| Number of obs.=  2369, skipped   0 bad obs. |

| Notes No coefficients=> P(i,j)=1/J(i).      |
|       Constants only => P(i,j) uses ASCs    |
|         only. N(j)/N if fixed choice set.   |
|         N(j) = total sample frequency for j |
|         N    = total sample frequency.      |
|       These 2 models are simple MNL models. |
|       R-sqrd = 1 - LogL(model)/logL(other)  |
|       RsqAdj=1-[nJ/(nJ-nparm)]*(1-R-sqrd)   |
|         nJ   = sum over i, choice set sizes |
|Variable| Coefficient  | Standard Error |b/St.Er.|P[|Z|>z]|
 ASCCART |    -.08252881       .07552527    -1.093   .2745
 CST     |    -.20180890       .01916932   -10.528   .0000
 ASCCARNT|     .41384399       .07640648     5.416   .0000
 ASCBUS  |     .01966141       .09923321      .198   .8429
 ASCTN   |    -.04174518       .09373128     -.445   .6561
 ASCBUSW |     .09250653       .08587656     1.077   .2814

Miranda Page PhD Student
Centre for Integrated Healthcare Research
Queen Margaret University, Edinburgh
EH21 6UU 
Tel: 0131 474 0000
Fax: 0131 474 0001
mpage at qmu.ac.uk

> 'Queen Margaret University, Edinburgh is a registered charity.
> Scottish Charity Number SC002750'.  

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