[Limdep Nlogit List] Re: Estimation of Double-BoundedDichotomousChoice

Alessandro Corsi alessandro.corsi at unito.it
Mon May 22 23:20:25 EST 2006

Since I received several requests of the code for estimating double-bounded 
dichotomous choice and apparently the listserver did not allow it as an 
attachment, I'm pasting it below.
Alessandro Corsi
Dip. di Economia "S. Cognetti de Martiis"
Via Po, 53
10124 Torino (Italy)
Tel. +39-0116704409   Fax +39-0116702762


? Alessandro Corsi - Riccardo Scarpa
? The model is Hanemann's difference-in-utility model with a linear

? utility function. See Hanemann, W.M., Kanninen B.J. (1999) Statistical

? Considerations in CVM, in "Valuing Environmental Preferences - Theory and

? Practice of the Contingent Valuation in the US, EU and Developing 

? (I.J. Bateman, K.G. Willis Eds.), Oxford University Press, Oxford
? Load your Limdep file

? a = first bid
? ah = higher bid
? al = lower bid

? Create 4 dichotomous variables corresponding to the different
? possible outcomes (yes-yes; no-yes; yes-no; no-no)

? i1 and i2 are the responses to the first and second bid (yes=1)


yy= (i1 =1) * (i2=1) ;
ny= (i1 =0) * (i2=1) ;
yn= (i1 =1) * (i2=0) ;
nn= (i1 =0) * (i2=0) $
? probit or regression to have starting values. Use one of these
? the LHS variable is the answer to the first bid
? according to my experience regression works better
PROBIT ;Lhs= I1;Rhs=ONE,a $
regress;Lhs= I1;Rhs=ONE,a $

? maximization of the likelihood function
? starting values; try other if they don't work


; labels = b1,b2 ; start = b ;

; fcn =
xxh = -b1+b2*ah |                 ? equation for the higher bid
pyy = log(phi(-xxh)) |            ? prob of getting yes-yes
xxx = -b1+b2*a |                  ? equation for the first bid
pyn = log(phi(xXh)-phi(XXX)) |    ? prob of getting yes-no
xxl = -b1+b2*al |                 ? equation for the lower bid
pny = log(phi(XXX)-phi(XXl)) |    ? prob of getting no-yes
pnn = log(phi(xXl)) |             ? prob of getting no-no
yy*pyy+pyn*yn+pny*ny+pnn*nn $     ? likelihood function to maximize
calc; list ;
wtp_ave= -b1/b2                   ? mean (=median in this case)
variance=1/(b2)^2 $               ? variance of beta

? any other functional form can be used; substitute the proper

? functional forms in the equations defining xxh, xxx, xxl.

? Also put the right number of parameters in the ;labels command and in the

? probit or regress commands to have the starting values.

? Of course, mean and median are different.

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