[GPlates-discuss] Help extracting plate size and trench age from GPlates model

Suchoy, Lior l.suchoy17 at imperial.ac.uk
Tue Mar 3 02:30:39 AEDT 2020


As part of a project on upper mantle drag I am trying to extract several properties of plates from the Muller et al 2019 model of plate reconstruction. I managed to extract velocities using the kinematic tool. The other two properties which I am looking for are plate sizes (probably as plolygon surface area) and age at the trench (for subducting plates). I would be grateful for anyone who can assist me or point me to a good resource to complete this task.

Thank you,
Lior Suchoy | Research Postgraduate for Geodynamics
Earth Science and Engineering Dep., Imperial College London
Royal School of Mines, 4th floor, Desk 493/11, London, SW7 2BP
Email: L.suchoy17 at imperial.ac.uk<mailto:L.suchoy17 at imperial.ac.uk>    Mobile: +44 (0)74 00617085
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