[ASA] PhD opportunity at Swinburne University

Adam Deller adeller at astro.swin.edu.au
Thu Jul 25 10:21:11 AEST 2024

Dear all,

(Apologies if you receive this via multiple distribution channels; please
feel free to share onwards to potentially interested students)

Do you love software/signal processing but want to keep a close connection
to science, or love astronomy but want to develop your signal processing
and high performance software skills? Swinburne University, CSIRO, and
Fourier Space Pty Ltd are advertising a PhD scholarship opportunity that
sits at this boundary, in the area of high performance digital signal
processing for radio astronomy. This full-time PhD position will undertake
research into signal processing techniques for multi-element phased array
feeds that are used for radio astronomy, employing commodity computation on
Graphics Processing Units (GPUs). Digital beamforming on phased array feeds
offers the opportunity to observe a wide field of view and simultaneously
undertake enhanced signal analysis. In this way, astronomical signals such
as pulsars and fast radio bursts can be detected and analysed in real time,
despite the enormous (terabit per second) data rates involved. By employing
GPUs and a software-based approach, the candidate will prototype new
techniques and algorithms for integration into high-performance pipelines
at radio astronomy facilities. *Please note that due to the provisions of
the CSIRO iPhD funding scheme, this position is available only to
Australian/NZ citizens or Australian permanent residents.*

This industry linked position has a highly competitive scholarship
(AU$46k/annum for up to 4 years, supplemented by a generous allowance of
$12k/annum towards project costs) and provides the opportunity for the
successful candidate to gain experience undertaking components of their
thesis work at both CSIRO and Fourier Space Pty Ltd. The ideal candidate
will have an interest in astronomical instrumentation and strong skills in
software engineering. Applications close *Friday 16 August 2024 -* for more
information, please contact Prof. Adam Deller (adeller at swin.edu.au), and to
apply, head to


Prof. Adam Deller
Centre for Astrophysics & Supercomputing
Swinburne University of Technology
John St, Hawthorn VIC 3122 Australia
phone: +61 3 9214 5307
fax: +61 3 9214 8797
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