[ASA] Decadal Plan WG2.3 Data and Computing town halls

Huynh, Minh (S&A, Kensington WA) Minh.Huynh at csiro.au
Wed May 22 17:15:12 AEST 2024

Dear all,

Apologies for the extra spam, but this is a final gentle reminder for the two remaining Data and Computing townhalls:

  *   Sydney, 23 Thu May @ 11 a.m. local time (CSIRO Marsfield lecture theatre, in person only, please arrive a little early to sign into the visitor system)

  *   Virtual, 24 Fri May @ noon Perth time, 2 p.m. Sydney time – see connection details below.

And we encourage you to contact us directly via email if can’t attend either and wish to provide feedback and comments.

Minh and Chris Power , co-chairs WG 2.3 Data and Computing.

From: Huynh, Minh (S&A, Kensington WA) <Minh.Huynh at csiro.au>
Date: Tuesday, 14 May 2024 at 16:21
To: asa at mailman.sydney.edu.au <asa at mailman.sydney.edu.au>
Subject: Re: Decadal Plan WG2.3 Data and Computing town halls
Hi all,

This is a gentle reminder of the invitation to attend the Decadal Plan Data and Computing WG townhalls, taking place this week and next.

  *   Perth, 16 Thu May @ 1 p.m. local time (ARCC CSIRO Kensington, lecture theatre)
  *   Melbourne, 20 Mon May @ 2 p.m. local time (Swinburne, VR theatre)
  *   Sydney, 23 Thu May @ 11 a.m. local time (CSIRO Marsfield lecture theatre)
  *   Virtual, 24 Fri May @ noon Perth time, 2 p.m. Sydney time – see connection details below.

Those attending either CSIRO venues (Perth or Sydney) are asked to come a little early to sign onto CSIRO’s envoy visitor system.

Minh and Chris Power, co-chairs WG 2.3 Data and Computing.

Placeholder for the virtual townhall :

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From: Huynh, Minh (S&A, Kensington WA) <Minh.Huynh at csiro.au>
Date: Wednesday, 1 May 2024 at 09:19
To: asa at mailman.sydney.edu.au <asa at mailman.sydney.edu.au>
Subject: Decadal Plan WG2.3 Data and Computing town halls
Dear all,

As many of you are aware, activities for the next Astronomy Decadal Plan 2026-2035 are well underway.

Working Group 2.3 on Data and Computing are planning to hold a combination of in-person and virtual only (not hybrid) townhalls.

The aim of these townhalls is to facilitate discussion in the community around HPC, Data, Software, AI/ML and Careers in data/computing. The WG are producing short papers on these topics which we will present at these town halls. More details will be made available closer to the date, but please put these times in your calendar:

  *   Perth, 16 May @ 1 p.m. local time (ARCC CSIRO Kensington, lecture theatre)
  *   Melbourne, 20 May @ 2 p.m. local time (Swinburne, VR theatre)
  *   Sydney, 23 May @ 11 a.m. local time (CSIRO Marsfield lecture theatre)
  *   Virtual, 24 May @ noon Perth time, 2 p.m. Sydney time – link to be distributed. (sorry this is lunch Perth/Adelaide time, but one can participate with video off)

We hope to see you at one of these (up to) 90 min sessions.

Best regards,
Minh and Chris Power, co-chairs WG 2.3 Data and Computing.

Dr Minh Huynh (she/her)
ATNF Science Group Leader
CSIRO ASKAP Science Data Archive Project Leader
Space and Astronomy  |  CSIRO
Minh.Huynh at csiro.au<mailto:Minh.Huynh at csiro.au>  |  08 6436 8696
26 Dick Perry Ave, Kensington WA 6151

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