[ASA] [ASA2024] Registration now open!

Hotan, Aidan (S&A, Kensington WA) Aidan.Hotan at csiro.au
Wed May 8 15:31:12 AEST 2024

Hi all,

We would like to announce that registration for the 2024 ASA Annual Science Meeting is now open! For more about what to expect from ASA2024, please refer to our email from earlier today or see here: https://url.au.m.mimecastprotect.com/s/qKuPCVARKgC0gro4KiGPjbB?domain=icrar.org

Register here:


Please note that the registration form includes a question that gauges interest in attending one of the local venues on Hub Day - this information will be passed on to the hub organisers as an indication of numbers and level of interest. Specific arrangements for attendance and any costs associated with the hub itself will be managed directly through the hub organisers and are not included in the ASM registration fee.

We will open a call for accessibility grant applications in the coming week, so please keep an eye out for this. These will take the form of reimbursement of the cost of technology and support that presenters and attendees may need to purchase to enable them to effectively take part in the meeting, and could include requests such as VR headset rental/purchase, meeting technology hardware/services or care arrangements during parts of the meeting.

For those who submitted abstracts, the Scientific Organising Committee members are currently finalising their review of submissions and we expect to notify everyone of the outcomes very soon. We are also investigating whether we can open a limited call for additional sparkler/poster content over the next few weeks, to offer a final opportunity to showcase your work.

We have attached a poster of our own to this announcement! Please post at your institution, on your collaboration’s Slack, or wherever you think curious astronomers might find it.

A higher-resolution (and much larger) poster file can be found here:


We hope to see you online at the ASM in June.

Best regards,

Aidan (on behalf of the NOC)

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