[ASA] Fwd: Announcing .Astronomy 12 in NYC Oct 3-5, 2023

Manodeep Sinha manodeep at gmail.com
Wed Apr 12 09:36:18 AEST 2023

Hello all,

After a brief hiatus, DotAstro is back in New York this year from Oct 
3-5. DotAstro is an Astronomy unconference, where attendees suggest 
(usually tech) ideas and vote to finalise the hack-day agenda. The 
conference itself is free, and there will be some funds to cover costs 
for folks that don't have a travel budget.

If you are interested in attending, please fill out the EOI form 
<https://protect-au.mimecast.com/s/F5LLCNLJyQUZVEwngFmFGgr?domain=forms.gle> by May 31.


-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: 	Announcing .Astronomy 12 in NYC Oct 3-5, 2023
Date: 	Tue, 11 Apr 2023 13:54:29 -0400
From: 	Kelle Cruz <kellecruz at gmail.com>
To: 	Kelle Cruz <kellecruz at gmail.com>
CC: 	info at dotastronomy.com

[Please circulate to your networks, especially those outside of the 
United States.]

We are thrilled to announce that .Astronomy 12 
<https://protect-au.mimecast.com/s/9AcvCOMKzVTN50EPBCv4KgU?domain=dotastronomy.com>will take place from Tuesday 
October 3 to Thursday October 5 at the Center for Computational 
Astrophysics (CCA) in New York, NY. There will also be an optional Day 0 
tutorial day on Monday, October 2 and an optional continued hacking day 
on Friday, October 6.

.Astronomy is not a traditional conference. .Astronomy is a gathering of 
around 100 astronomy enthusiasts, passionate about how the web and 
technology can transform our science. It's an opportunity to both expand 
your toolset for research, communication and collaboration and to 
broaden your view on an astronomy career. One hallmark of .Astronomy is 
a full-day hack day. For more information, check out the What to Expect 

The event will be mostly in person, but we will plan to live broadcast 
and record the plenary talks. We will be using Slack as our primary 
discussion forum where folks who cannot make it in person can also 
participate. Join the .Astronomy Slack workspace 

If you are interested in attending, please fill out the interest form 
<https://protect-au.mimecast.com/s/F5LLCNLJyQUZVEwngFmFGgr?domain=forms.gle>as soon as possible, but no later 
than May 31.


The .Astronomy conference provides Inspiration, creative new ideas, and 
connections with like-minded people. The unconference format allocates 
substantial time for collaboration and small group discussions which 
result in ample opportunities to get to know people outside your usual 

In 2017 we asked over 300 of our past participants to tell us what they 
gained at the conference, and here is what we learnt:


    over 50% reported that they learned new technical skills


    90% made connections with new and like-minded people


    89% came away with new ideas and inspiration for their work


The conference will have around 100 participants. Based on the responses 
we receive in the application forms, we select a diverse group of 
participants using the Entrofy 
<https://protect-au.mimecast.com/s/QnifCROND2uGnRyK3iqADLm?domain=github.com>algorithm to avoid human-brain 
biases. We also perform a careful pre-selection triage in addition to 
the algorithmic approach. We invite participants who work in research, 
public engagement, software development, libraries or archives; some may 
be from other disciplines, teachers, or amateur astronomers. More 
details on participant selection are described here: How does 
Registration Work <https://protect-au.mimecast.com/s/XPd4CVARKgC205z4pUkXaxm?domain=dotastronomy.com>.


Thanks to the Simons Foundation and the Center for Computational 
Astrophysics, there will be no registration fee. Breakfast, lunch, and 
coffee breaks will be provided, Monday through Friday. Participants will 
be responsible for their own travel, accommodations, and dinners. We 
anticipate having funds to support participants who cannot cover these 
costs. If you need financial assistance in order to attend, please 
indicate on the interest form.

If you are interested in attending, please fill out the interest form 
<https://protect-au.mimecast.com/s/F5LLCNLJyQUZVEwngFmFGgr?domain=forms.gle>as soon as possible, but no later 
than May 31.

We are also recruiting for the SOC. If you are interested in this 
leadership position which includes helping organize the conference and 
select participants, speakers, and tutorials, please email us 
(info at dotastronomy.com) and/or indicate your interest on the interest form.

Please post any questions to the Slack workspace 
email info at dotastronomy.com.

Looking forward to gathering in NYC in October!

Kelle Cruz (SOC, Chair)

Sarah Kendrew (SOC, .Astronomy Brain Trust)

Rob Simpson (SOC, .Astronomy Brain Trust)
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