[ASA] MANIFEST Science workshop (virtual) 4-5 April 2023

Tayyaba Zafar tayyaba.zafar at mq.edu.au
Mon Mar 13 12:48:29 AEDT 2023

Dear all,

This is a call for a 2 short-days MANIFEST Science workshop on 4-5 April 2023.

Please save the dates in your calendar.

MANIFEST is a multi-interface, multi-mode fibre positioner facility for the upcoming 25-m Giant Magellan Telescope (GMT). MANIFEST will enhance the capabilities of different optical and near-infrared spectrographs at the GMT by feeding fibres and providing simultaneous observations. MANIFEST science is a collaborative effort of GMT consortium members spreading over different international universities and research institutions. The MANIFEST science community has been engaged since 2018 and has shown deep interest in the fibre-fed and multi-interface facility for the GMT. MANIFEST has five broad science themes:

  *   Archaeology and stellar chemistry
  *   Spatially resolved galaxies
  *   Nearby galaxies
  *   High redshift galaxies
  *   The transient universe

Driven by proposed science cases, MANIFEST’s current plan is to incorporate eight modes of operations where the first-light G-CLEF and GMACS instruments will have three modes each. We are currently going through a technical review of the positioner. For this significant exercise and layout an efficient design, we again welcome science feedback.

In order to accommodate various time-zones, we will keep virtual meetings short (3 hours a day from 9am-12pm AET).

Online registration can be made at this link:


A detailed programme of the workshop will be shared in the coming days.

Best regards,

Tayyaba on behalf of SOC


Dr. Tayyaba Zafar

Senior Lecturer

Faculty of Science and Engineering

Australian Astronomical Optics - Macquarie University

105 Delhi Road, North Ryde, NSW 2113

E: tayyaba.zafar at mq.edu.au  I   T: 02 9372 4809

W: mq.edu.au<https://protect-au.mimecast.com/s/cXWkC91WPRTzg8Z1JUEIwWX?domain=mq.edu.au>  I  AAO website<https://protect-au.mimecast.com/s/FmyMC0YKPvikDjE8nH28wxi?domain=mq.edu.au>
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