[ASA] First Announcement: "Spectral Fidelity" Conference, Firenze, 4-8 September 2023

Gayandhi De Silva gayandhi.desilva at mq.edu.au
Thu Mar 2 09:46:26 AEDT 2023

FYI - Please see below the first announcement for the ESO conference on Spectral Fidelity!

A/Prof Gayandhi De Silva
Australian Astronomical Optics, Macquarie University
105 Delhi Rd, North Ryde, NSW 2113, Australia

gayandhi.desilva at mq.edu.au<mailto:gayandhi.desilva at mq.edu.au>

Begin forwarded message:

To: "ESO-science-events-announcements at eso.org<mailto:ESO-science-events-announcements at eso.org>" <ESO-science-events-announcements at eso.org<mailto:ESO-science-events-announcements at eso.org>>
Subject: First Announcement: "Spectral Fidelity" Conference, Firenze, 4-8 September 2023

Dear colleagues,

We would like to draw your attention to this meeting, and we would appreciate it if you could forward this e-mail to the possibly interested colleagues at your institute.

September 4-8 Firenze, Italy
spectralfidelity at eso.org<mailto:spectralfidelity at eso.org>

A Joint-conference organised by ESO, INAF-Osservatorio Astrofisico di Arcetri and UniGE.

Spectroscopy is the main tool to peer into the physics of the Universe. Precise and accurate spectroscopy is going to produce some of the most spectacular results in the coming years,
from Big Bang Nucleosynthesis, the chemistry of stars and interstellar medium, the measurement of the acceleration of the Universe, the variability of physical constants, the age of the Universe and the nature of gravitation, the detection of terrestrial exo-planets and the analysis of their atmospheres. Yet, spectroscopic observations, data reduction, and analysis methods
still suffer from shortcomings and limitations. Installing 20 years ago HARPS at the 3.6m telescope in La Silla, ESO community has a central role in this research. HARPS has been transformational, paving the way to the new generations of planet hunters.
Innovative ideas are being developed to use these instrumental capabilities beyond the exoplanet search, and this research is rapidly expanding to the IR domain.
In addition to Doppler shifts precision and accuracy, other aspects of spectral fidelity include: how well are the spectra characterised for noise, scattered light, detector effects, instrumental profile?
And, when moving to abundances, what are abundance realistic uncertainties? Is precision enough or is accuracy required? Which are the limits of precise and accurate spectroscopy and which exciting science will new performances enable? Which science requires spectral fidelity and how can we enable it? What is its present status and future perspective?

The conference aims to discuss all the above topics, some of which were addressed in an ESO/Lisbon/Aveiro conference in 2006 (“Precision Spectroscopy”). It seems very timely to address them again after 17 years, with a view to the long heritage of HARPS, the first 5 years of ESPRESSO operations, the new results from NIR spectrographs, ANDES and the ELTs.

Starting from these simple questions, a number of  topics were identified:

  *   Stellar abundances

  *   Data reduction

  *   Stellar physics

  *   Data analysis

  *   Exoplanets & atmospheres

  *   Ancillary developments (simulations, models, laboratory, etc.)

  *   Fundamental physics


  *   ISM & IGM

  *   High spectral fidelity @ ELTs

  *   Cosmology

  *   Massive surveys and fidelity

  *   Instrumental requirements for fidelity

  *   Legacy of spectral fidelity

  *   Calibrations

Important Deadlines:

  *   Abstract Submission Deadline: May 15
  *   Confirmation Abstract Selection: June 15
  *   In-person Participation Deadline for Registration and Payment: July 15
  *   Remote Participation Deadline for Registration and Payment: September 1

The beginning of September is still high season in Florence. Therefore, we strongly recommend booking your accommodation as soon as possible.

The conference will be held in the beautiful Istituto degli Innocenti, Piazza SS Annunziata, Firenze.  The number of participants in person is limited to 120 due to the conference room capacity. First come, first served basis. However, we offer a hybrid format and the possibility to attend the meeting online.
All speakers (both invited and contributed ones) will attend in person.

Registration Fee
There will be a  conference fee of TBD Euros (less than 150). The registration fee will include conference facilities and coffee breaks.

We are looking forward to meeting you in Firenze,
The “Spectral Fidelity” SOC

More information concerning the conference can be found at the conference URL:

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