[ASA] ASA Summary of 2022

John Lattanzio john.lattanzio at monash.edu
Fri Dec 23 09:55:50 AEDT 2022

Dear ASA Members
  this is an  opportune time to give a summary of activities of our Society
since the AGM and ASM in June/July.

A major milestone was passed with the start of the construction of the SKA.
The ASA was represented by our Immediate Past President Cath Trott. The
other major event for our community is our bid for full membership of ESO.
We are now just over half way through our 10-year Strategic Partnership,
and hence the campaign is ramping up.  The ASA prepared a statement
ESO membership, to coincide with the recent high-level ESO Delegation
visit, which celebrated the 60th Anniversary of ESO.

The recently instigated IDEA Community Fund
has been accessed a few times, and we remind our members of this
availability if it can help you.

The ASA (along with the AIP, NCA and others) made a submission to NSW
Curriculum Review, criticising the proposed removal of astronomy and space
science from the Years 7 to 10 science curriculum. Let me know if you would
like to see this submission.

Similarly, we recently made a submission to the ARC Review. I am happy to
forward this to any members who would like to see it.

The ASA is forming a Communications Working Group to investigate ASA Slack
channels as a way of keeping our community well connected. You will hear
more of this in the coming months, and certainly prior to the 2023 ASM.

On that topic, the 2023 ASM will be held at Macquarie University and is
jointly hosted by Macquarie and CSIRO. The most likely dates are July 3 to
7, and we are hoping most will be able to attend in-person although
attending online will always be an option., in line with our sustainability

The ECR Chapter has worked with the ARDC to prepare a new prize for
"Emerging Leaders in Astronomy Software Development"
This will be given annually, and for the first time at the ASM in 2023. The
prize is (initially) sponsored by the ARDC, and we thank them for the
funding and the initiative. Nominations are due by Feb 15.

While on the subject of the ASA Prizes, let me remind you that nominations
and submissions are now open, closing on Feb 15. Please see the Prizes
<https://protect-au.mimecast.com/s/JGWWCWLVXkUjK0mYxCnbgf1?domain=asa.astronomy.org.au> pages for

Remember that there is a total solar eclipse coming up in April 2023. Our
EPOC Chapter is organising speakers for the associated P&O cruise (thanks
to Jackie Boindell and Rebecca Allen). This will depart Fremantle and will
be sitting in the middle of the path of totality at the critical time. We
also have two free cabins (for up to 2 people in each) to give away as
prizes for people preparing educational material about the eclipse. Please
submit your material to me <john.lattanzio at monash.edu> by Jan 15.

There are also three cruises being given away through a random draw. One is
reserved for students (please apply here
<https://protect-au.mimecast.com/s/Lh3ECXLW2mUnRmoNGUm1Uqa?domain=forms.gle>) and two for full members (apply here
<https://protect-au.mimecast.com/s/WOtWCYW8Noc3q52ZgHZAPbk?domain=forms.gle>). These are due by 1st Feb. Note that
the cruise departs Fremantle and you are responsible for finding your own
way to and from Fremantle.

The ASA is also working on a website dedicated to the upcoming total solar
eclipses. In the next 15 years Australia will be blessed with FIVE total
solar eclipses! Our aim is to have a website that provides critical
astronomical information for the public.

One area that has not progressed as I had intended is the ASA Member
survey. My apologies for this. However with Stas Shabala (our VP) taking
over as Chair we can expect some activity in the next few months.

Finally, some good news to end with. We have all heard of the NCRIS funding
announcement. Base funding will be continued (subject to approval) but AAL
has been operating with a higher level than that in the past. The good news
is the announcement of a further round of NCRIS funding. AAL advises us
that *"Up to several hundred million dollars will be available over four
years in a closed tender process to the current NCRIS capabilities." *Obviously
we wish AAL success in their endeavours to secure a share of that funding!

Let me wish you all a healthy and happy holiday period, and may that extend
throughout 2023.

Best wishes to all

John Lattanzio

*I'm an LGBTIQ Ally**      -     Find out more at **https://protect-au.mimecast.com/s/3p7YCZY1NqiMLz9RxHXvou1?domain=monash.edu

Professor John Lattanzio
President, Astronomical Society of Australia

School of Physics and Astronomy
Monash University Victoria 3800 AUSTRALIA

Ph:  +61 (0)3 9905-4428
WWW: https://protect-au.mimecast.com/s/zQroC2xMQzikX7zG6fLR-ge?domain=users.monash.edu.au <https://protect-au.mimecast.com/s/CuLXC3QNPBimlZzMxSpTVIq?domain=maths.monash.edu.au>

Advice from John Aaron: "Keep calm and set SCE to AUX."
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