[ASA] Workshop on Wide-Field Spectroscopy vs Galaxy Formation Theory

Sarah Brough s.brough at unsw.edu.au
Thu Oct 6 08:55:36 AEDT 2022

Members of the Australian community might be interested in this conference:


Dear Friends,

Please be aware that we are organizing the workshop described below on 
"Wide-Field Spectroscopy vs Galaxy Formation Theory" 

Feel free to distribute widely!


The Scientific Organizing Committee:
Matthew Bershady (University of Wisconsin, Madison; South African 
Astronomical Observatory)
Jonathan Bird (Vanderbilt University)
Michael Blanton (New York University)
Kathryne Daniel (University of Arizona)
Neige Frankel (Canadian Institute for Theoretical Astrophysics)
Juna Kollmeier (Canadian Institute for Theoretical Astrophysics)
Steven Majewski (University of Virginia)
Karen Masters (Haverford College)
Preethi Nair (University of Alabama)
Rachel Somerville (Flatiron Institute)
Hans-Walter Rix (Max Planck Institute for Astronomy)
Manuela Zoccali (Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile)


*Wide-Field Spectroscopy vs Galaxy Formation Theory
March 28 to 31, 2023
Biosphere 2 (outside Tucson, Arizona)*


The primary goal of the workshop is:

/"To identify new research questions in galaxy formation enabled by 
recent developments in theory and in spectroscopic observations of the 
Milky Way and other low redshift galaxies."/

This workshop will develop new research questions enabled by recent 
progress in theory and observation. A small number of plenary talks will 
provide a framework, while most of the workshop will be devoted to 
parallel discussion sessions oriented towards individual topics. The 
exact agenda will be developed collaboratively with participants in the 
run-up to the meeting.

We will bring together observers conducting extragalactic and Galactic 
spectroscopic wide field surveys with theorists predicting the formation 
and evolution of galaxies. The workshop has a special (but not 
exclusive!) focus on the Sloan Digital Sky Survey and its wide field 
spectroscopic programs (e.g. the Legacy Survey, SEGUE, MaNGA, APOGEE, 
Milky Way Mapper, Local Volume Mapper, etc). Topics of interest may 
include: How can we better realize the full potential of modern 
observations to test and constrain theory? What can the Milky Way teach 
us about disk galaxies in general? And what can it not? How well can we 
really understand distant galaxies without resolved stellar population 
measurements? Why do simulations not reproduce the structure and 
dynamics of galaxies? Do active galactic nuclei affect the star 
formation histories of galaxies? Can Milky Way and galaxy observations 
constrain alternative dark matter models? Are galaxy bars and bulges the 
causes or the effects of inside-out galaxy formation? Does stellar 
orbital evolution play a significant role in galaxies' evolution?

This workshop can accommodate up to about 150 attendees. Participants 
will be selected from among applicants with attention given to ensure a 
breadth of expertise and interests, as well as full representation of 
all career stages and demographics.

November 15, 2022: Applications open
January 9, 2022: Application deadline
February 1, 2023: Notification on applications
February 28, 2023: Hotel reservation deadline (anticipated)

If you will need more time to apply for a visa, there will be an 
opportunity to let us know of this need on the application.

Please direct questions to galaxy.formation.meeting at gmail.com.

/Thanks to the Astrophysical Research Consortium and the Sloan Digital 
Sky Survey for financial support of this workshop./

SDSS-IV General Discussions <sdss4-general at sdss.org>


Prof. Karen Masters (she/her)
Professor and Chair of Physics and Astronomy

Director of Marian E. Koshland Integrated Natural Sciences Center
Haverford College
370 Lancaster Avenue, Haverford, PA 19041, USA
Office: Observatory A
Tel: (Office) 610-795-6066
Tel: (Cell) 610-202-6660
Email: klmasters at haverford.edu


Students: book a time to speak with me 

I believe in a sensible work-life balance. I don't expect a response to 
this email outside of your normal working hours.

/I recognise that I live and work on Lenape land, and pay respect and 
honour to the caretakers of this land, from time immemorial until now, 
and into the future/.
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