[ASA] [UPCOMING EVENT] Science for Public Good x The Future of Meetings (S4PG x TFOM)

Moss, Vanessa (S&A, Marsfield) Vanessa.Moss at csiro.au
Wed Oct 5 14:43:18 AEDT 2022

Dear all,

The Future of Meetings (TFOM) community are hosting a series of talks and panels in VR centred around the theme of "Science for the Public Good". The series has been funded by a seed grant provided by the Australian Academy of Science, via the Theo Murphy Initiative, to promote science for the public good.

Our upcoming talk is next Friday (October 14th 2022, 17:00 AEDT / 06:00 UTC), and will focus specifically on how academia can adapt for better inclusion in the future, in the context of public good.

Register directly here: https://protect-au.mimecast.com/s/OL-7C6XQ4LfoLM1MkCpI80u?domain=eventbrite.com.au

The Australian community, and especially astronomy, has been a leading voice in adapting practices for better academic inclusion and sustainability worldwide and as such it would be great to have those from the ASA community involved in this and future events.

Future talks in this series will fall at different times to maximise accessibility of the series, and to allow us to include speakers working in different time zones. Talks are free to attend and will be presented entirely in a VR space which can be accessed via a headset or a desktop app. For those interested in exploring the use of VR headsets but do not own one we have some accessibility grants available. We will also be livestreaming the event to maximise inclusivity. The link to register, along with more information about each of the events, can be found at the following website:


This talk series was inspired by the observed trend of many fields shifting back towards to in-person conferences. We know that online and hybrid formats are much better for accessibility (there have been many reports in Nature and other publications on increased diversity as meetings were put online) but of course, the video call format alone is very poor at emulating the interactions that are key to conferences and we want to showcase alternative modes of interaction online, while also providing a space for thoughtful and stimulating conversation on science for the public good more generally.

We invite those of you interested in science for public good and the future of interaction to consider attending and look forward to seeing you there.

on behalf of the S4PG x TFOM organisers
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