[ASA] Call for eROSITA and Australian Collaboration Proposals, open through 2022 Feb 11

Shona Madoc smadoc at swin.edu.au
Mon Feb 7 14:55:58 AEDT 2022

Dear colleagues,

A reminder that the third call for joint Australia-eROSITA_DE projects closes this Friday 11 February. This call follows two previous successful calls for joint projects under the agreement between Australian-based astronomers, represented by Astronomy Australia Limited (AAL) and the German eROSITA Consortium (eROSITA_DE).

In 2013, CAASTRO and the Max Planck Institute for Extraterrestrial Physics signed a memorandum of understanding designed to promote collaborations between Australian scientists and members of the eROSITA consortium. AAL has taken over responsibility for the agreement with eROSITA and the MoU agreement between AAL and eROSITA_DE<https://protect-au.mimecast.com/s/Zm6zCYW8NocL4YWgkT0sMTz?domain=mpe.mpg.de> covers all astronomers at Australian Institutions. A large number of current and planned Australian surveys provide data for multi-wavelength projects, using the national and international facilities participating in this collaboration.  This provides some exciting new opportunities for multi-wavelength astronomy projects across the southern sky.

A list of participating Australian facilities<https://protect-au.mimecast.com/s/dBqwCZY1Nqi5pvqxPhjloAx?domain=astronomyaustralia.org.au> and Australian surveys<https://protect-au.mimecast.com/s/cR1eC1WLPxcM9gAOnIpWArz?domain=astronomyaustralia.org.au> is provided on the AAL eROSITA webpage<https://protect-au.mimecast.com/s/aGuzC2xMQzip9r26Kc2JeqS?domain=astronomyaustralia.org.au> where you can also find out more information about the project.  Further information is also available on the eROSITA MPE webpage<https://protect-au.mimecast.com/s/s7mmC3QNPBipE3gx7cQs4RH?domain=mpe.mpg.de>.  At the end of 2022, the eROSITA (extended Roentgen Survey with an Imaging Telescope Array) instrument completed its fourth (out of eight) survey of the full sky at X-ray wavelengths. At the mission completion, eROSITA will have performed eight all-sky surveys. The existing eROSITA data already surpass those coming from previous all-sky X-ray surveys, having much greater depth, image quality, and spectral coverage. The eROSITA data offer the opportunity to study extremely energetic events across vast scales in the Universe, from accreting binary systems at stellar scales to 10-million-degree shocks driven by galaxy cluster mergers.

Given all the above developments, and the success of the collaboration to date, we are now opening a third call for proposals for joint Australia-eROSITA_DE projects.  The proposal submission will be open until 11 February 2022.

How to apply

Proposals should be submitted on the template attached and should be sent to the eRosita_DE/Australian Collaboration Technical Secretary, Shona Madoc, via email: shona.madoc at astronomyaustralia.org.au<mailto:shona.madoc at astronomyaustralia.org.au>.

The process of proposal assessment is described on the AAL eROSITA Project Application webpage<https://protect-au.mimecast.com/s/_kKRC4QOPEiBvP26YHMgmSG?domain=astronomyaustralia.org.au>.  We look forward to hearing your ideas, and to seeing new discoveries emerge from this partnership.

The collaborative science projects will:

  *   require the use of products associated with both the eROSITA_DE survey and Australian surveys/facilities.
  *   involve at least one member from each of the eROSITA_DE survey and an Australian Institution
  *   not be in conflict with existing eROSITA_DE or Australian projects
  *   (optionally) allow participation by undergraduate and postgraduate students
  *   adhere to the existing policies for the individual facilities involved (e.g. proprietary periods, data access, survey teams, observing time, publications).

We strongly encourage potential proposers to get in touch with their corresponding partners early on. If you are interested in using eROSITA and Australian facilities for your research, but do not know who to contact specifically, please do not hesitate to ask the contact persons listed below. The AAL eROSITA Collaboration webpage<https://protect-au.mimecast.com/s/sLiPC5QPXJiZD8PRgtN4d4-?domain=astronomyaustralia.org.au> also includes a list of eROSITA_DE contacts including Chairs of Science Working Groups.  We remind you that, according to the eROSITA_DE Policy, each proposal should be approved by the eROSITA_DE Science Working Group before submission.

Proposal Submission Outcomes

If you have any questions on this exciting opportunity, please do not hesitate to contact Duncan Galloway, Australian eROSITA Science Lead (duncan.galloway at monash.edu<mailto:duncan.galloway at monash.edu>) or AAL (shona.madoc at astronomyaustralia.org.au<mailto:smadoc at astronomyaustralia.org.au>).

Best regards,

Shona, on behalf of the eROSITA management committee<https://protect-au.mimecast.com/s/sLiPC5QPXJiZD8PRgtN4d4-?domain=astronomyaustralia.org.au> <https://protect-au.mimecast.com/s/sLiPC5QPXJiZD8PRgtN4d4-?domain=astronomyaustralia.org.au>


Shona Madoc

Program Manager

Astronomy Australia Ltd

E: shona.madoc at astronomyaustralia.org.au

W: astronomyaustralia.org.au<https://protect-au.mimecast.com/s/2MZFC6XQ4LfrBk6MVf2HQjd?domain=astronomyaustralia.org.au>

Monday, Wednesday, Friday


AAL endeavours to be an environmentally sustainable organisation built upon equity, diversity and mutual respect for its staff and stakeholders.

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