[ASA] Re-opening of EoIs for Community Action Committee

asa idea asa.ideastronomy at gmail.com
Wed Jul 7 14:55:28 AEST 2021

Dear ASA members,

In Nov. 2020 we asked for expressions of interest (EoIs) for members of
Australian astronomy organisations to join the new Community Action
Committee, run by the IDEA Chapter. We received a limited number of EoIs,
which we believe to be because many members were busy with Pleiades Awards
applications. Now that the Pleiades Awards have been completed, we would
like to re-open for EoI submissions. Ideally, we would like all Australian
astronomy organisations to have a member on the committee. Thank you to
those who have already submitted an EoI. We will further discuss the
intention and importance of the committee at the upcoming IDEA Chapter Town
Hall on Thurs. 15 July at 12:30pm AEST

Join the Community Action Committee!

The ASA IDEA Chapter Steering Committee would like to issue a call for
expressions of interest (EoIs) from all astronomical organisations across
Australia. We ask that each organisation nominate one member (ideally from
their EDI committee) to represent the organisation on the Community Action
Committee. If you are not part of a relevant organisation, or would like to
have more than one representative from the same organisation, please also
submit an EoI and explain your interest in the Committee. The Community
Action Committee will meet to determine and then work towards long-term
goals for the entire Australian astronomical community, and facilitate
broad communication throughout our national community and with the
international community. We plan to seek guidance and direction from the
First Nations Australian community, and will invite members to join the
Committee if they wish. Our vision is that we all learn from each other’s
successes and mistakes, share resources, and act on large-scale issues that
individually we may not be able to address.

*The EoI should answer the following questions and should be no longer than
one page:*


   Name of organisation

   Name of nominated representative

   Position of the representative within the organisation

   Email of nominated representative

   Is the nominated representative a member of the organisation’s EDI
   committee? If yes, for how long?

   What does the organisation hope to gain from participating in the
   Community Action Committee?

   Any additional information you would like to share

*The EoI submissions should be emailed to asa.ideastronomy at gmail.com
<asa.ideastronomy at gmail.com> by 6 August 2021.*

Best wishes,
*The IDEA Chapter Steering Committee*
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