[ASA] First announcement of HRMOS Science workshop, 18-22 October 2021

Gayandhi De Silva gayandhi.desilva at mq.edu.au
Wed Jun 23 21:05:19 AEST 2021

HRMOS Science Workshop<https://protect-au.mimecast.com/s/kBEoCWLVXkU5vogzPF6ycf6?domain=indico.ict.inaf.it>
October 18-22, 2021

We invite the astronomical community to participate in the 2021 HRMOS Science workshop, to be held online and in-person 18-22 October, 2021.

The meeting will be a hybrid of online and in-person (Firenze, Italy and Sydney, Australia), and run for half-days taking into account different timezones.

Registration and Abstract Submission

Registration: https://protect-au.mimecast.com/s/fdpCCXLW2mUX3ryBqSVzM6A?domain=indico.ict.inaf.it

Abstract Submission: https://protect-au.mimecast.com/s/zGIkCYW8NocLPBJkNU97NRn?domain=indico.ict.inaf.it

To submit an abstract you need to open an INDICO Account and login with Indico as the authentication provider. When creating your INDICO account, you will be asked about the event you are attending, and the relevant contact person. Please use the following text: “HRMOS workshop. INAF Contact: Laura Magrini”. Your account should be activated within one or two working days.

Deadline: 8 September 2021

No registration fees


The High Resolution Multi-Object Spectrograph (HRMOS) is a proposed facility instrument for the ESO’s VLT, following the initial presentation at the VLT 2030 workshop. HRMOS provides a combination of capabilities essential to carry out breakthrough science across a broad range of active research areas from Galactic and Local Group Archaeology to Stellar Astrophysics and Exoplanet studies. HRMOS fills a gap in capabilities amongst the landscape of future instrumentation planned for the next decade. The key capability of HRMOS is high spectral resolution (R = 60,000 - 80,000) with multi-object (50-100) capabilities and stability that provides radial velocity precision (~10m/s). Initial designs predict a SNR=30 is achievable within 1hr for mag(AB) = 17-18 depending on resolution. The combination of high resolution and multiplex going to relatively bluer wavelengths (from 380nm), is truly a spectrograph that will push the boundaries of our knowledge and is envisioned as a workhorse instrument in the future.

This conference aims to bring together the International scientific community, to propose and discuss science projects where HRMOS will have a strong impact due to its unparalleled capabilities, as well as identifying the areas where it will provide unique synergies with existing and forthcoming large surveys and facilities such as 4MOST, WEAVE, MOONS and the ELTs.

This meeting is your opportunity to present your science with HRMOS and join the collaboration to push forward the HRMOS project in preparation for an upcoming White paper call.

Format and Contributions

Given the current pandemic situation, the meeting will be run online on alternating timezones. 18-19 October will be nominally 9am-1pm CEST, while 20-21 October will be nominally 9am-1pm AEDT. The exact times may change.

We are concurrently organising the option for meeting in-person in Firenze, Italy on the 18/19 October, and in Sydney, Australia on the 20/21 October (subject to local laws at the time). The final session on the Friday 22 October will be exclusively online. All presentations will be recorded and made available for the registered participants.

Participants are strongly encouraged to submit a short abstract describing the science questions and topics they would like to address with HRMOS. We anticipate a talk length of 20min for contributed presentations.

A detailed schedule will be made available closer to the meeting, though we expect to discuss the following (non-exhaustive) list of topics which formed part of the initial science case; new ideas are very much welcome:

  *   Origins of the Heavy elements
  *   Properties of the First Stars
  *   Galactic Archeology at High Spectral Resolution
  *   Exo-planets in Star clusters, Bulge and other Galaxies
  *   Young stars and Doppler Tomography of Magnetic structures
  *   Chemical Evolution of the MW Satellites
  *   Star clusters in High Resolution
  *   Stellar abundances and Chemical tagging
  *   Synergies with current and future facilities

The current options for the instrument concept will also be presented and discussed.

We invite you to circulate this first announcement among your colleagues. We apologise if you receive this more than once. For any questions, do not hesitate to contact Gayandhi, Sofia or Eline.

Best regards,
HRMOS Core Science Team

Gayandhi De Silva (AAO-Macquarie, Australia), Sofia Randich (INAF-Arcetri, Italy), Eline Tolstoy (Kapteyn, The Netherlands), Laura Magrini (INAF-Arcetri, Italy), Vanessa Hill (OCA, France), Thomas Bensby (Lund, Sweden), Rob Jeffries (Keele, UK), Rodolfo Smiljanic (CAMK/PAN, Poland), Oscar Gonzalez (UK-ATC, UK), Ása Skúladóttir (INAF-UNIFI, Italy), Nadège Largarde (UTINAM, Besançon, France)

A/ Prof Gayandhi De Silva
Australian Astronomical Optics, Macquarie University
105 Delhi Rd, North Ryde, NSW 2113, Australia

gayandhi.desilva at mq.edu.au<mailto:gayandhi.desilva at mq.edu.au>

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