[ASA] Information about panelists for ANITA Green Computing School Panel Discussion session tomorrow!

Isobel Romero-Shaw isobel.romero-shaw at monash.edu
Wed Jun 2 18:53:12 AEST 2021

Hi ASA friends,

Please see below for an advertisement for the second session of the ANITA
Green Computing school. This will feature a talk from Adam Stevens about
carbon emissions in astronomy, followed by a panel discussion on the same
topic. Please feel free to come along if you're interested!




I hope you're as excited as I am about our talk from Adam Stevens and the
subsequent panel discussion session tomorrow afternoon (3pm-4.30pm AEST).
To get you even more excited, here is a bit more information about our
wonderful panelists (see below).

Here's the Zoom link again:

Can't wait to see you all there tomorrow! And please do email me with any
questions you might want to put to the panel.

Best wishes,



[image: panellists.png]

*Dr. Adam Stevens*

@arh_stevens [https://protect-au.mimecast.com/s/qhNXC1WLPxcMx5NkjCGW99n?domain=twitter.com]

Personal website [https://protect-au.mimecast.com/s/aJYjC2xMQzipWOzRxtBwGTm?domain=adamstevens.webnode.com]

Adam is a postdoctoral researcher at UWA, who works to understand the
formation and evolution of galaxies using semi-analytic models and
cosmological hydrodynamic simulations. He is also passionate about acting
on climate change, and is the lead author of the Nature Astronomy
perspective article “The Imperative to Reduce Carbon Emissions in
Astronomy” [https://protect-au.mimecast.com/s/yifKC3QNPBipo0zG8tDctmT?domain=nature.com].

*Dr. Vanessa Moss*

@cosmicpudding [https://protect-au.mimecast.com/s/9tatC4QOPEiBE3KmjCVqEUV?domain=twitter.com]

CSIROscope interview [https://protect-au.mimecast.com/s/Zu6VC5QPXJiZ34Lxnh8WwpT?domain=blog.csiro.au]

Vanessa is a researcher based at CSIRO Space and Astronomy. She is Head of
Science Operations for the ASKAP radio telescope, and leads the SEAFOG
FLASH project studying HI and X-ray absorption in distant galaxies. Vanessa
also recently chaired The Future of Meetings symposium [https://protect-au.mimecast.com/s/YI9HC6XQ4Lfr78Y13hB63xr?domain=tfom.org],
which explored how our meetings, conferences and other academic
interactions can be more accessible, inclusive and sustainable.

*Dr. Pascal Elahi*

ICRAR profile [https://protect-au.mimecast.com/s/hXM4C71R2NTA2o1QPH2PQ7J?domain=icrar.org]

Pascal is a High-Performance Computing specialist at Pawsey Supercomputing
Centre, WA, and is also a computational astrophysicist, simulating entire
virtual universes within supercomputers. Pascal is also passionate about
green computing, and is a co-author on “The Imperative to Reduce Carbon
Emissions in Astronomy” [https://protect-au.mimecast.com/s/yifKC3QNPBipo0zG8tDctmT?domain=nature.com].

*Dr. Natasha Hurley-Walker*

@ColourfulCosmos [https://protect-au.mimecast.com/s/qhF1C81V0PT6WLpzJTEoxuZ?domain=twitter.com]

Personal website [https://protect-au.mimecast.com/s/q_3yC91WPRTkA9EMZiQg91f?domain=nhurleywalker.com]

ICRAR profile [https://protect-au.mimecast.com/s/OM2RC0YKPviGQZwMEipiwLv?domain=icrar.org]

Natasha is a multi-award-winning radio astronomer, who used the Murchison
Widefield Array to create a low-radio-frequency panoramic view of the
Universe. She has shared this image in a popular TEDx talk [
https://protect-au.mimecast.com/s/PMvwCgZ0N1iAKpZmgHxfRRE?domain=youtube.com. As well as being a
Senior Lecturer and ARC Future Fellow at Curtin University, Natasha is an
advocate for sustainable astronomy, and recently gave a talk for the
International Astronomical Union on “Exploring the Universe Without Costing
the Earth” [youtu.be/2UyBRPxsIww].
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