[ASA] Future of AAT Workshop

Lucyna Chudczer lchudczer at swin.edu.au
Fri Oct 4 22:43:02 AEST 2019

Dear Colleagues,

   After a series of Town Hall Meetings to discuss the future of the Anglo-Australian Telescope (AAT) and the submission of a white paper<https://protect-au.mimecast.com/s/-9ltCD1jy9tpVm7wHWjsRq?domain=science.org.au> to the Mid-term Review of the Decadal Plan for Australian astronomy, we would like to encourage you to attend A Workshop on the Future of the AAT<https://protect-au.mimecast.com/s/Qo68CE8kz9tyDGwOSwCCiq?domain=eventbrite.com.au>.
The workshop will take place in Sydney at the University of New South Wales on the 31st October 2019 (Rooms G59+G60, Old Main Building K15, local contact: Sarah Brough s.brough at unsw.edu.au<mailto:s.brough at unsw.edu.au>).

The discussion will focus on, but is not limited to

·         Current and future operational models

·         Future instrumentation

·         Synergy with other facilities, such as ESO and the LSST

Please find the detailed program below.

Talk Schedule

10:00 House-keeping (Sarah Brough)
10:05 Introduction (Chris Tinney)
10:20 The mid-term review of the Decadal Plan for Astronomy 2016-2025 (Speaker TBC)
10:35 AAT operations, the future of SSO, and the status of 2dF (Chris Lidman)

11:00 - 11:30 Morning tea

11:30 The scientific case for a clone to SOXS (Karl Glazebrook)
11:50 Exosolar planets: Current status and future opportunities (Duncan Wright)
12:10  Galactic Science with 2dF up to 2025 (GALAH team)

12:30-1:30 Lunch

1:30 Extragalactic Science with 2dF up to 2025 (Luke Davies)
1:50 The Hector galaxy survey (Julia Bryant)
2:10 Synergies with LSST (Sarah Brough)
2:30 Synergies with ASKAP and MWA (Elaine Sadler and Melanie Johnston-Hollitt)

2:50-03:20 Afternoon tea

03:20 Discussion and concluding remarks (Chris Tinney)

04:00 End

For more information, please contact:

Prof Chris Tinney
c.tinney at unsw.edu.au<mailto:c.tinney at unsw.edu.au>

Assoc Prof Chris Lidman
Christopher.Lidman at anu.edu.au<mailto:Christopher.Lidman at anu.edu.au>

Dr Lucyna Kedziora-Chudczer
lucyna.chudczer at astronomyaustralia.org.au<mailto:lucyna.chudczer at astronomyaustralia.org.au>

A/Professor Chris Lidman
Director, Siding Spring Observatory, Research School of Astronomy and Astrophysics,
The Australian National University, Canberra, ACT, Australia
Work: +61-2-6125-0238
Christopher.Lidman at anu.edu.au<mailto:Christopher.Lidman at anu.edu.au>

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