[ASA] Town Hall Meetings and Workshop on the Future of the Anglo-Australian Telescope

Christopher Lidman Christopher.Lidman at anu.edu.au
Fri Aug 2 09:55:12 AEST 2019

Dear Colleagues,

   Over a period lasting two weeks, the AAT Council will hold a series of Town Hall Meetings to discuss the future of the Anglo-Australian Telescope (AAT). As a member of the ASA and as a potential future user of the AAT, we’d like to encourage you to attend one of these meetings so that you can have your say on the future of the AAT.

The discussion at these meetings will focus on, but are not limited to

  *   Future operational models
  *   Future instrumentation
  *   Synergy with other facilities, such as ESO and the LSST

These meetings will be followed by a workshop, to be held at the end of October in Sydney. The outcomes from both will then feed into a white paper that will be submitted to the mid-term review of the current astronomy decadal plan.

Dates, locations and a list of the local contacts at each location now follow.

Week 1: September 9-13

Monday 09 September, Perth, ICRAR/UWA Seminar room, 1-3pm, local contact: Luke Davies <luke.j.davies at uwa.edu.au<mailto:luke.j.davies at uwa.edu.au>>

Tuesday 10 September, Brisbane, UQ, St Lucia, building 6, room 407,1-2:30pm, local contacts: Brad Carter <Brad.Carter at usq.edu.au<mailto:Brad.Carter at usq.edu.au>> and Tamara Davis <tamarad at physics.uq.edu.au<mailto:tamarad at physics.uq.edu.au>>

Thursday 12 September, Sydney , USyd, A28, School of Physics, Lecture theatre 2, 1-3pm, local contact: Nicholas Scott <nicholas.scott at sydney.edu.au<mailto:nicholas.scott at sydney.edu.au>>

Week 2: September 16-20

Monday, 16 September, Canberra, RSAA, CSO building, 10am – noon, local contact: Sree Oh <sree.oh at anu.edu.au<mailto:sree.oh at anu.edu.au>>

Tuesday, 17 September, Hobart, UTas , Auscope Control Room, 4th floor, Physics Building, 12-1:30pm, local contact: Andrew Cole <andrew.cole at utas.edu.au<mailto:andrew.cole at utas.edu.au>>

Wednesday, 18 September, Melbourne, Swinburne VR theatre (AR104), 2-3:30pm, local contact” Chris Blake <cblake at swin.edu.au<mailto:cblake at swin.edu.au>>

AAT Workshop, Sydney, October 31, 2019 (venue and time TBC).

There is scope to organise additional meetings at other locations in Australia if required.

I hope to see you at one or more of these meetings.


Chris Lidman

A/Professor Chris Lidman
Director, Siding Spring Observatory, Research School of Astronomy and Astrophysics,
The Australian National University, Canberra, ACT, Australia
Work: +61-2-6125-0238
Christopher.Lidman at anu.edu.au<mailto:Christopher.Lidman at anu.edu.au>

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