[ASA] Australian astroparticle physics discussion paper

Gavin Rowell gavin.rowell at adelaide.edu.au
Wed Jul 3 10:31:16 AEST 2019

Dear all,

Following feedback received the past few months, a discussion paper was created

to try to outline several topics - what defines Australian astroparticle physics, facilities involved, funding plans etc.

Please find attached here this discussion paper.

For those attending next week's ASA meeting in Brisbane, there will be a breakout

session during Thursday's lunch break (room 07-234 is currently booked) where your

direct feedback can be passed on. The session will be coordinated by Sabrina Einecke and Gary Hill and a videocon link (likely Zoom) is planned.

In addition to this, you can provide feedback via the ozastroparticle physics list here

ozastroparticle.physics at list.adelaide.edu.au

To subscribe to this please and check the archive please go to:


The aim at this stage is to work this document into something broadly-accepted by the

community to help enable the next steps (e.g. facilities, involvement, and funding for

the next 5+ years.)

Further discussion sessions (videocon or face-to-face) are earmarked for later in the year.

all the best


Gavin Rowell                                                           ph +61883138374
High Energy Astrophysics Group                             fax +61883134380
School of Physical Sciences                     gavin.rowell at adelaide.edu.au
University of Adelaide 5005, AUSTRALIA
web: http://www.physics.adelaide.edu.au/astrophysics/gpr/
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