[ASA] Celebrating the new AAO-MQ: 19-22 November 2018, Macquarie University

Gayandhi De Silva gayandhi.desilva at mq.edu.au
Mon Oct 15 11:20:28 AEDT 2018

Dear Colleagues,

We invite the astronomical instrumentation and science community to join us to launch the new AAO-Macquarie (AAO-MQ) after the successful transitioning of the AAO research and instrumentation capability to Macquarie University in July 2018. This workshop celebrates the on-going collaboration between AAO-MQ and the broader community, and explores new opportunities, both for the next generation of astronomical instruments small and large, and in leading research and survey projects with multiple facilities and spanning all wavelengths.

AAO-MQ has a large and active instrumentation and technological R&D programme, and strong research complementarity with existing strengths at Macquarie’s Department of Physics and Astronomy.  Current and future instrument projects include TAIPAN, Veloce, PRAXIS, Huntsman, AST3-NIR, 4MOST, MANIFEST, GHOST, Hector, MAVIS and others. This workshop will focus on key areas of strength at AAO-MQ, such as multi-object, integral field and high resolution spectroscopy, focal plane positioners, AO fed instruments, fibre technologies and astrophotonics. AAO-MQ and MQ Physics and Astronomy researchers lead and participate in large surveys including SAMI, GALAH, GAMA, Taipan, Devils, EMU, WALLABY, and more, as well as small high impact projects, together encompassing the key Galactic and extragalactic research programs pursued by the Australian astronomy community.

During the workshop, we will bring the astronomy research and instrumentation community together to gather an overview of our collective capabilities, brainstorm new ideas and kick-start new collaborations for building world-class instruments and producing world-leading science in Australia. We anticipate the first 2 days of the workshop will be focused on the scientific synergies between AAO-MQ and the broader community, while the second 2 days will focus on technological innovation and instrument concepts. We encourage participants to contribute presentations on their research, both astronomical and technological, and existing or planned links to Macquarie.

Dates: 19-22 November 2018

Registration: Free but essential via the link below, by November 7 for catering purposes.


Venue: E6A, Ground floor Theatrette, Macquarie University

Gayandhi De Silva

Australian Astronomical Optics, Macquarie University
105 Delhi Rd, North Ryde, NSW 2113, Australia
+61 2 9372 4854 / +61(0)431 407 909
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