[ASA] AstroSats 2016 - Astronomy Satellites Workshop, 12 August 2016

Matthew Colless matthew.colless at anu.edu.au
Sat Jul 2 19:29:20 AEST 2016

You are invited to help define Australia’s next small satellite science missions
The ANU Research School of Astronomy and Astrophysics is pleased to invite you to participate in a workshop on 12 August 2016 to explore science cases and instrumentation concepts suitable for small satellites. Preference will be given to concepts supporting astronomy and related sciences.
The goal of the workshop is to identify well-justified and viable missions taking advantage of the facilities and capabilities of Australian institutions, including those at the ANU Advanced Instrumentation and Technology Centre (AITC), that could be funded within existing grant schemes. The workshop will seek to define appropriate staged targets for the short (1-2 years), medium (3-5 years) and long term (up to 10 years).
The workshop is intended for people with ideas for small space missions and those interested in finding out what is now possible with small satellites and balloons.
Participants will include:
•    People who have ideas for exo-atmospheric astronomy research;
•    People who have experience with satellite and balloon/UAV programs;
•    People who want to use scientific data from this class of mission;
•    People who wish to be part of the teams that will build these missions.
Participants are invited to contribute a short pitch (10-15min) on any of the following topics:
•    Astronomical research requiring small space or high altitude missions;
•    Astronomical instrumentation for small satellites, balloons or high altitude UAVs;
•    Other science research requiring small space missions or instruments on high altitude platforms;
•    Lessons learned from previous space, balloon or high altitude UAV missions.

If you are interested in pitching a concept please send the following information to aitc at anu.edu.au<mailto:aitc at anu.edu.au> no later than 21 July 2016.

  *   Name
  *   Presentation title
  *   Abstract (300 word max)
  *   A completed mission analysis template (attached to this email or available from the RSAA website)
  *   Institution
  *   Email and Phone

The Organizing Committee will review the submissions and a final program will be released no later than28 July 2016.

There is no registration fee for the workshop, but those wishing to participate must register by 8 August 2016 via Eventbrite<https://www.eventbrite.com.au/e/astrosats-workshop-2016-tickets-26365375548>. Morning tea, lunch and afternoon tea will be provided.
Please visit the RSAA website http://rsaa.anu.edu.au/astrosats2016 for more details.
Please circulate this information to your colleagues.
Best regards,
The Organizing Team

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