[ASA] ANITA Steering Committee elections - **nominations requested**

John O'Byrne john.obyrne at sydney.edu.au
Fri Mar 13 09:16:33 AEDT 2015

Dear ASA members,

Do you want to be part of shaping the landscape for theory in Australian astronomy? Do you have great ideas for connecting theorists and observers? Come and join ANITA's Steering Committee!

ANITA will be holding its annual election to the ANITA Steering Committee in the week of March 23. The committee positions up for election are:

- 3 Ordinary Committee members (2 year term)
- 1 Student Representative (1 year term)

These positions are currently held by Sarah Maddison, Orsola De Marco, Chris Power and Camila Correa (student) and we thank them for their service to the Chapter. Note that these committee members, and any previous committee members can nominate in this election.

Please nominate yourself for a position on the committee! In the past year, ANITA has:

- contributed to the Decadal Planning process with an ANITA submission and follow-up responses
- hosted and provided online Google Hangout Lectures for the whole community
- organised the 2015 ANITA Workshop and Astroinformatics School, hosted by the ANU.

In 2015-2016, we have some more exciting developments. Please join us!

As Returning Officer, please send to me via email (cathryn.trott at curtin.edu.au <mailto:cathryn.trott at curtin.edu.au>) your name and a brief description of your interests in joining the ANITA Steering Committee, to be included in the election materials. To be eligible, you need to be an ASA Member, Fellow or Student Member.

Election timeline:
Monday March 9 - Friday March 20      Nomination period
Monday March 23 - Friday March 27    Election period
Week of March 30                              Results announced.

cathryn.trott at curtin.edu.au <mailto:cathryn.trott at curtin.edu.au>

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