[ASA] Nuclear Astrophysics Parallel Sessions at INPC 2016
John O'Byrne
john.obyrne at sydney.edu.au
Sun May 8 22:34:16 AEST 2016
Dear Colleagues,
We are writing to bring to your attention the nuclear astrophysics program at INPC 2016, http://inpc2016.com/, September 11-16, 2016, in Adelaide, South Australia. This is the major conference in nuclear physics, held only every three years and September should be a nice time in Adelaide, with Spring just starting.
This year, we will have seven nuclear astrophysics parallel sessions with some emphasis on the nuclear physics connection of nuclear astrophysics in a broader context. We will select a longer invited talk (25mins) for each session followed by up to five contributed talks from the submitted abstracts.
Some potential topics include
* Experimental facilities (for nuclear astrophysics)
* Nuclear physics experiment and theory (for nuclear astrophysics)
* Nucleosynthesis processes
* Supernovae and Neutron star mergers, and connection to gravitational
* Novae, X-ray bursts, and accreting neutron stars and white dwarfs
* Neutrino astrophysics
* Galactic chemical evolution
We would like to encourage you to submit abstracts if you have not done so already. The early bird registration deadline is May 13, 2016. Speakers will be informed by mid June, 2016. We hope to see you in Adelaide in September.
Please feel free to further distribute this announcement.
Best wishes,
Ani Aprahamian
Alexander Heger
"The standard you walk past is the standard you accept”
Associate Head (Teaching & Learning), School of Physics
Associate Dean (Learning & Teaching), Faculty of Science
Secretary, Astronomical Society of Australia Inc.
Sydney Institute for Astronomy
School of Physics | Faculty of Science
Rm 205, Physics Building A28
Postal address: School of Physics | The University of Sydney | NSW | Australia | 2006
T +61 2 9351 3184 | F +61 2 9351 7726
E john.obyrne at sydney.edu.au<mailto:john.obyrne at sydney.edu.au> | W http://sydney.edu.au/science/people/john.obyrne
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