[Limdep Nlogit List] Unable to re-run nested multinomial logit, force to restart

Shajee Kathirgamanathan SKathirgamanathan at itransconsulting.com
Tue Mar 24 06:44:41 EST 2009

Hi all,


I am trying to run a Nested Logit model.  I specified a Inclusive Value of
1.0 for one of the branches.


However, I noticed now that once I import the data, I can only perform 1
model run.  


During the first run I get reasonable models results.  But when the exact
same model is run again, I get entirely different results.


Moreover even if I 'Reset' the workspace and re-import all the data, I still
get inaccurate values.


The only way to re-create the initial correct results would be to close down
Limdep and re-run the model again.


Has anyone ever encountered a similar problem?



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