[Limdep Nlogit List] Fwd: Problem in WTP calculation

Santa Dutta send2santa83 at gmail.com
Sat Feb 16 05:13:15 EST 2008


I was using NLOGIT  for modeling utility equations. However, after
getting a model I cannot find the WTP for aparticular attribute for the
same. Can anyone please suggest me the suitable commands for the same.

The following is one of my utility model output:


*| Random Parameters Logit Model |*

*| Maximum Likelihood Estimates |*

*| Model estimated: Nov 28, 2007 at 08:23:56PM.|*

*| Dependent variable C21CHOIC |*

*| Weighting variable None |*

*| Number of observations 520 |*

*| Iterations completed 12 |*

*| Log likelihood function -97.69504 |*

*| Restricted log likelihood -180.2183 |*

*| Chi squared 165.0465 |*

*| Degrees of freedom 6 |*

*| Prob[ChiSqd > value] = .0000000 |*

*| R2=1-LogL/LogL* Log-L fncn R-sqrd RsqAdj |*

*| No coefficients -180.2183 .45791 .44944 |*

*| Constants only -172.2408 .43280 .42394 |*

*| At start values -98.9398 .01258 -.00285 |*

*| Response data are given as ind. choice. |*


*- mailed.xls*


*| Random Parameters Logit Model |*

*| Replications for simulated probs. = 500 |*

*| Halton sequences used for simulations |*

*| Number of obs.= 130, skipped 0 bad obs. |*



*|Variable | Coefficient | Standard Error |b/St.Er.|P[|Z|>z] |*


*Random parameters in utility functions*

*TTPERKM -5.250336426 1.3999099 -3.750 .0002 - mailed.xls*

*C21FREQ -.6108245638E-01 .20781952E-01 -2.939 .0033 - mailed.xls*

*DLE1 1.384725948 .34722051 3.988 .0001 - mailed.xls*

*DLE2 .1047650348 .25099881 .417 .6764 - mailed.xls*

*DLE3 .2431614261 .44647020 .545 .5860 - mailed.xls*

*Nonrandom parameters in utility functions*

*FARECODE -.5696933158E-01 .75963494E-01 -.750 .4533 - mailed.xls*

*Derived standard deviations of parameter distributions*

*TsTTPERK 5.250336426 1.3999099 3.750 .0002 - mailed.xls*

*TsC21FRE .6108245638E-01 .20781952E-01 2.939 .0033 - mailed.xls*

*TsDLE1 1.384725948 .34722051 3.988 .0001 - mailed.xls*

*TsDLE2 .1047650348 .25099881 .417 .6764 - mailed.xls*

*TsDLE3 .2431614261 .44647020 .545 .5860 - mailed.xls*

*(Note: E+nn or E-nn means multiply by 10 to + or -nn power.)*

*- mailed.xls*

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