[Usyd_Classics_Events] Erratum

Callista Sheridan enquiries at criticalantiquities.org
Wed Jul 24 11:03:38 AEST 2024

Dear all,
There was an error in the recent announcement about the launch of Melissa Lane’s book Of Rule and Office at the Critical Antiquities Workshop. The event will take place on Tuesday, August 6, NOT Monday, August 5. Apologies for the mistake. 
A corrected flyer is also attached.
Callista, on behalf of Tristan and Ben. 
Callista Sheridan 
Critical Antiquities Network 
criticalantiquities.org <https://url.au.m.mimecastprotect.com/s/wwpnCL7EwMfN762yPSBOY9z?domain=criticalantiquities.org> 

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