[Usyd_Classics_Events] Reminder Tomorrow 3.30pm: USYD Classics Research Seminar #6, 2024: Alison Keith

Ben Brown benjamin.brown at sydney.edu.au
Wed May 8 19:24:39 AEST 2024


Dear Friends of Classics and Ancient History at USYD,

Please join us at the Boardroom of the V. Gordon Childe Centre or on Zoom (link below) for the sixth presentation in our Semester 1, 2024 Research Seminar Series.

May 9th  (Thursday, 3.30pm AEST/UTC+10)

Alison Keith (Todd Memorial Lecturer 2024/University of Toronto)

Epicurean Themes in Statius


Alison Keith is Director of the Jackman Humanities Institute and University Professor of Classics at the University of Toronto, where she also holds cross-appointments at the Centre for Medieval Studies and the Women and Gender Studies Institute. She has written extensively about the intersection of gender and genre in Latin literature and Roman society and has authored or edited books on Ovid and his reception, Vergil and Latin epic, Propertius and Roman literary cultures, Roman dress, motherhood, and women and war in the ancient Mediterranean. A past editor of the classical journal Phoenix and past President of both the Classical Association of Canada and the Ontario Classical Association, she is a Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada and current President of the Society for Classical Studies. Current projects include a biography of Sulpicia, the earliest female Latin poet whose work survives, and a monograph on Latin literature and Roman Epicureanism. Alison is Todd Memorial Lecturer at the University of Sydney for 2024.

Zoom details: https://uni-sydney.zoom.us/j/85192829117<https://url.au.m.mimecastprotect.com/s/IWW6CMwGxOtxzw0EDTwPqgp?domain=t.e2ma.net>

All best,


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