[Usyd_Classics_Events] CAH research seminar, S2, 2023 #2 Byron Waldron

Ben Brown benjamin.brown at sydney.edu.au
Mon Aug 21 09:52:53 AEST 2023

Dear Friends of Classics and Ancient History,

We are happy to invite you to our next Classics and Ancient History/CCANESA research seminar for Semester 2, 2023.

Note: Papers this semester will be presented on campus live streamed via Zoom (unless otherwise indicated). The on-campus location will always be the CCANESA Boardroom, Level 4, Madsen Building unless otherwise indicated. Details of each Zoom session will be posted out approximately one week prior to the presentation date. For further contact: ccanesa.general at sydney.edu.au or benjamin.brown at sydney.edu.au

Our program continues Thursday, August 24th at 4pm (AEST/UTC+10) with

Byron Waldron (University of Sydney)

Investigations towards a Non-Roman History of Rome and Persia.


Every modern reconstruction of the Romano-Sasanian wars has built upon Romanocentric narratives. This is because, in many cases, the Graeco-Roman sources convey more detail, but it is also because much of the scholarship has failed to engage in detail with non-Graeco-Roman sources, including Iranian, Syriac, Armenian, Georgian and Arabic texts. The paper will highlight three case studies, examining the non-Roman evidence for a) Gordian III’s invasion of the Sasanian Empire, b) Galerius’ invasion of the Sasanian Empire, and c) the context surrounding Galerius’ adoption of the title Persicus Maximus III. It seeks to demonstrate how certain non-Roman historical traditions, previously neglected by Romanists, can serve to expand our knowledge of Romano-Sasanian warfare and provides an avenue for future research.

Presenter biography

Byron Waldron is an Honorary Associate at the University of Sydney and a member of the Serbo-Australian Glac Project, which is excavating a Late Roman site near Sremska Mitrovica. In 2022 he published the monograph Dynastic Politics in the Age of Diocletian, AD 284-311 with Edinburgh University Press, and he has written articles for various edited volumes and journals including Journal of Late Antiquity, Zeitschrift für Papyrologie und Epigraphik and Papers of the British School at Rome.

Please register for this free online presentation (if you have not already registered for the series):


The Zoom meeting details for this seminar are:

Meeting URL:   https://uni-sydney.zoom.us/j/88036971562

Meeting ID:  88036971562

Please note, our seminars begin promptly at 4 pm. To further with facilitating the online space, please ensure that your Zoom username matches the name on your registration (where possible).

Please note further that by participating in this seminar, you agree to abide by the University of Sydney’s ICT policy. You can view the policy here: https://www.sydney.edu.au/policies/showdoc.aspx?recnum=PDOC2011/140&RendNum=0

An extra note on recording of seminars

As part of a School initiative to preserve our online content for potential future use, we intend to record our seminars. If you would not like to be inadvertently recorded, please turn off your video and microphone after joining the meeting.

We look forward to seeing you there!

For any further information or questions, please contact the Classics & Ancient History Seminar Coordinator, Dr. Ben Brown at benjamin.brown at sydney.edu.au or CCANESA at ccanesa.general at sydney.edu.au.

Best wishes,

Classics and Ancient History
School of Humanities A18
Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences
Co-director Critical Antiquities Network
Ph.: 9351 8983; Office: Main Quad J6.07
E benjamin.brown at sydney.edu.au<mailto:benjamin.brown at sydney.edu.au> | W http://sydney.edu.au/arts/classics_ancient_history/staff/profiles/benjamin.brown.php

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