[Usyd_Classics_Events] REMINDER Final CAH Research Seminar for Semester 1: Philip Dupesowski

Ben Brown benjamin.brown at sydney.edu.au
Tue May 16 09:54:19 AEST 2023

Dear Friends of Classics and Ancient History,

As the teaching semester draws towards a close, we are delighted to invite you to the final session of this series of the Classics and Ancient History/CCANESA online research seminars. This seminar will take place on

May 18th at 4pm (AEST/UTC+10)

Phillip Dupesovski (University of Sydney)

“‘I see you in the river’: Old Age and Water in Dionysiaca 19.”

This paper will be presented on campus live (streamed via Zoom) in the CCANESA Boardroom, Level 4, Madsen Building (F09), Camperdown/Darlington campus.

Book 19 of Nonnus’ Dionysiaca depicts an energetic dance-off between Dionysus’ charioteer, Maron, and his father, Silenus. The scene has provided fruitful material for scholars as the sole detailed portrayal of a pantomime competition in all of ancient literature. Yet little has been done to analyse this episode on its own terms, both as a compelling portrait of inter-generational conflict, and—in the instant that Silenus trips, falls, and astonishingly metamorphoses into a river—a representation of tension between the human and non-human. Employing theories of the Dionysiaca as an epic of the ‘eternal return’, this paper will analyse Book 19’s ideas of old age and water to demonstrate Nonnus’ fascinating preoccupation with the primordial landscape.

Speaker biography:
Phillip Dupesovski is a PhD candidate in Classics at the University of Sydney.

Please register for this free online presentation (if you have not already registered for the series):

The Zoom meeting details for this seminar are:
Meeting URL: https://uni-sydney.zoom.us/s/87540373551
Meeting ID:  875 4037 3551

Please note, our seminars begin promptly at 4 pm. To further with facilitating the online space, please ensure that your Zoom username matches the name on your registration (where possible).

Please note further that by participating in this seminar, you agree to abide by the University of Sydney’s ICT policy. You can view the policy here: https://www.sydney.edu.au/policies/showdoc.aspx?recnum=PDOC2011/140&RendNum=0
This seminar will not be recorded.

We look forward to seeing you for the concluding seminar of Semester 1!
For any further information or questions, please contact us at ccanesa.general at sydney.edu.au

All best, Ben

Classics and Ancient History
School of Humanities A18
Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences
Co-director Critical Antiquities Network
Ph.: 9351 8983; Office: Main Quad J6.07
E benjamin.brown at sydney.edu.au<mailto:benjamin.brown at sydney.edu.au> | W http://sydney.edu.au/arts/classics_ancient_history/staff/profiles/benjamin.brown.php

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