[Usyd_Classics_Events] Reminder: Classics and Ancient History/CCANESA Online Seminar - 29 April 2021

Ben Brown benjamin.brown at sydney.edu.au
Tue Apr 27 08:41:42 AEST 2021

Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences
School of Philosophical and Historical Inquiry (SOPHI)

Classics and Ancient History | CCANESA Online Seminar
29 April 2021
[The University of Sydney]

Classics and Ancient History | CCANESA Online Seminar
29 April 2021 | Ben Brown (Sydney)

Dear Friends,

We are happy to invite you to the next Classics and Ancient History/CCANESA online research seminar on 29 April 2021, at 4:15pm. Our presenter will be Ben Brown (Sydney).

Paper: Imagining the Demagogue: Aspasia and Lysikles ‘the Sheep-Seller’

In the autumn of 428 five Athenian strategoi set out from Myous on an expedition inland up the plain of the Meander where they were ambushed and destroyed along with their force (Thuc. 3.19.2). The only general named is Lysikles, the so-called ‘sheep-seller’ (probatopoles) who took Perikles’ place in at least three of the latter’s most prominent relationships after his death in 429—with the demos, with the comic poets and, most famously, with Aspasia. While he is represented by Aristophanes in the Knights as Athens’ first prostates tou demou after Perikles’ death, nothing certain about him is known—other than that he was propelled from obscurity to success under Aspasia’s tutelage and fathered a son with her, the very oddly named ‘Poristes’. This paper will probe clusters of evidence about Lysikles—from historical, comic and Socratic sources—and offer some explanations, which, if taken together, implicate both Lysikles and Aspasia in the reimagining of political leadership in the 430s and 420s BCE.

Ben Brown is Lecturer in Classics and Ancient History at the University of Sydney. This paper is part of the larger research project ‘Figures of Autonomy in Ancient Greece’, which examines important epistemological shifts in the emergence of Greek thought.

Zoom Invitation and Protocols for Participation
Meeting ID: 84505764760

Join from PC, Mac, Linux, iOS or Android: https://uni-sydney.zoom.us/j/84505764760?pwd=T0YxakJxS2c0SkJyNzNjRjRvS3ZBUT09<https://protect-au.mimecast.com/s/N8k4Clx1Nji2XQjjWcG9PFu?domain=t.e2ma.net>

Password: 312809

Please note, our seminars begin promptly at 4.15pm. By entering the meeting from 4pm onward, you help to manage the virtual space and ensuring prompt commencement of the paper. To further assist with facilitating the online space, please ensure that your Zoom username matches the name on your registration (where possible).

Please note further that by participating in this seminar, you agree to abide by the University of Sydney’s ICT policy. You can view the policy here: https://protect-au.mimecast.com/s/UT4TCmO5glujWO99ViO_vq5?domain=sydney.edu.au<https://protect-au.mimecast.com/s/UdFzCnx1jni7m8kk4UNiKFr?domain=t.e2ma.net>

This seminar will be recorded.

We look forward to seeing you as we bring our research community together once again! For any further information or questions, please contact us at ccanesa.general at sydney.edu.au<mailto:ccanesa.general at sydney.edu.au>

Best wishes,
The CCANESA Admin Team


[The University of Sydney]
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