[SydPhil] The Solutionists live: Liberalism may be the source of your soul | Alexandre Lefebvre

Alexandre Lefebvre alex.lefebvre at sydney.edu.au
Wed Aug 28 16:46:34 AEST 2024

Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences
School of Humanities
Discipline of Philosophy
[The University of Sydney]
[beach scene]

The Solutionists podcast live: Liberalism may be the source of your soul with Alexandre Lefebvre

Thursday 19 September, 6:00-7:00pm
The Sibyl Centre<https://url.au.m.mimecastprotect.com/s/SGM-CzvkyVC8qEnq4u4fMu9E3qJ?domain=t.e2ma.net> (Women's College) and livestreamed
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Can liberalism be the basis of a meaningful and fun way of life? Philosopher Alexandre Lefebvre<https://url.au.m.mimecastprotect.com/s/zndTCBNqjlCPK0AK8HNipu2VKZL?domain=t.e2ma.net> delves into this idea with Mark Scott, Vice-Chancellor at the University of Sydney.

Where do you get your values, sensibility, and general vibe from? If you aren't religious and grew up in a Western democracy, the answer is probably liberalism. Ask yourself: are my topline values and commitments to such things as freedom, fairness, tolerance, reciprocity, and irony? Well, that's a liberal package, according to Professor Alexandre Lefebvre.

[Vice-Chancellor Mark Scott and Professor Alexandre Lefebvre]

Vice-Chancellor Mark Scott and Professor Alexandre Lefebvre.

In this event, Alexandre presents key ideas from his latest book, Liberalism as a Way of Life<https://url.au.m.mimecastprotect.com/s/QRURCD1vlpTjAwMA3iZs1ujunGX?domain=t.e2ma.net> (Princeton University Press, 2024). He expands on the idea of liberalism beyond political ideology, and places it as a public philosophy that combines arguably the two most popular non-fiction topics of our day: the fate and future of liberal democracy, and self-help. Informed in equal parts by philosophy and popular culture, this conversation offers plenty of practical suggestions to unleash your inner liberal.

Professor Mark Scott<https://url.au.m.mimecastprotect.com/s/n3PhCE8wmrt1xOnxphZtPu7d-wg?domain=t.e2ma.net> AO, Vice-Chancellor and President of the University of Sydney, joins Alexandre on stage to host this conversation in a special live recording of The Solutionists<https://url.au.m.mimecastprotect.com/s/BaQHCGv0oyCW4Eq4Au0uLuBkEi5?domain=t.e2ma.net>, a podcast that dives into the most pressing issues of our time and introduces you to the people unearthing the seeds of remarkable solutions.

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[The University of Sydney]
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