[SydPhil] Health in African Philosophy Series | Tue 20th August | ACEPS | Uni Johannesburg

Mitova, Veli vmitova at uj.ac.za
Sun Aug 18 17:38:18 AEST 2024

The African Centre for Epistemology and Philosophy of Science (ACEPS<https://url.au.m.mimecastprotect.com/s/oigTCBNqjlCPjylLMUzfpu2I_aT?domain=uj.ac.za>) and the Centre for Philosophy of Epidemiology, Medicine, and Public Health (CPEMPH<https://url.au.m.mimecastprotect.com/s/AgEhCD1vlpTjqyO8nh5h1ujg9ND?domain=cpemph.org>) at the University of Johannesburg invite you to:

UJ ACEPS Reflection Series: Health in African Philosophy

Where: 11th Floor Boardroom, UJ on Empire and zoom

When: Tuesdays 10:00-12:00 SAST

  *   20 Aug: Edmund Terem Ugar (University of Johannesburg): "Reasserting African Agency in Medical Machine Learning Technology for Treatment Recommendations: African Indigenous Knowledge to the Rescue"

Abstract: https://url.au.m.mimecastprotect.com/s/vyiUCE8wmrt1LY6ZgFpiPu7Tbsd?domain=uj.ac.za

Zoom: https://zoom.us/j/98967628967

  *   17 Sep: Nhlakanipho Hlengwa (University of Johannesburg): "Developing an African Concept of Disease"
  *   1 Oct: Afolabi Michael (Public Health Ethics Research Consultant, LBR Impact Innovation, Maryland, United States): "The Silent Health Disaster of Un-translated PhytomedIcines: Bioethical Consideration"
  *   22 Oct: Ntsumi Malele (University of Johannesburg): "Decolonising Public Health, and the Link Between Mental Health and Poverty"
  *   29 Oct: Peter Omonzejele (University of Benin, Nigeria and Hanse-Wissenscagtkolleg- Institute for Advanced Study, Germany): "Indigenous African Traditional Medicine and Maternal Health"
  *   12 Nov: Paul Michael (ACEPS, University of Johannesburg): "The Young in African Ethics of Geriatrics Care"


Funding: National Institute for Humanities and Social Sciences<https://url.au.m.mimecastprotect.com/s/JVFcCGv0oyCWk6Lz0IQsLuB9jsb?domain=nihss.ac.za>

Inquiries: revluckyuogb at gmail.com<mailto:revluckyuogb at gmail.com>

ACEPS: https://url.au.m.mimecastprotect.com/s/oigTCBNqjlCPjylLMUzfpu2I_aT?domain=uj.ac.za

Organisers: Paul Michael, Garikai Madavo, L. Uchenna Ogbonnaya

All are welcome!



Veli Mitova

Professor in Philosophy and Director of ACEPS

University of Johannesburg

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